Some Wallpapers and My Hunter Boyfriend...

Mar 24, 2011 01:57

Can you guess which of these people is my hunter-boyfriend?

This is SuperPretendNatural. It is a fan-fic-ish virtual-season-esque thing that baylorsr and liptonrm totally came up with. Basically it's just Supernatural with a few minor tweaks and couple additional young hunters for the boys to play with. Also, I love it. If you didn't know. It is possible, ( Read more... )

lick that, spn love, incestuous cw vortex orgy cult, charlie is my one true hunter, sister oh sister, i am not a loser, epic project is epic, dean winchester - i'd tap that, movie blahblahblahing, real things that are totally real, the bff is my bestest best friend, jason london is delicious, wallpaper - mine, i share my toys, vortex swallowed me, superpretendnatural is real

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dodger_sister March 27 2011, 04:13:13 UTC
I knew the pretty pictures would sucker someone in. Should have known it would be you. ;)

It's not actually fanfic. Click the link for the SuperPretendWiki and you'll see. It's set up like the Super Wiki page, except the only links that are available are for any episodes where they made changes and for additional characters.

Try watching reading one episode a week (or maybe two). Just like it's a real TV show, you don't have to do it all at once.

First episode they changed was the monster truck episode - which they removed and replaced with 1.13 Friend or Foe - in which the boys hunt a shellycoat at a castle and meet two other sibling hunters named Frannie and Charlie (yep, Charlie my hunter-boyfriend). So click the link for that - it's a short write up of the episode summary, followed by a couple of quotes from the episode (my fav part of the summaries is the quotes) and some trivia (for instance, the notes the show got from the network about how the new siblings were not allowed to share a room - meh, if they were worried about incest, they are a little late to the party, by episode 1.13 fandom was already on the wincest).

Then if you're interested you can also click on Shellycoat under the Monster section to see what exactly the monster is they were hunting. And the actors both have tiny little quotes under their sections about their characters - the new actors in this episode would be Leah and Jason. (note the hilarity of how they have also listed the Supernatural conventions the actors attended. It's like they think it is as REAL as I do).

The next episode that is different is actually 2.02 Everybody Loves A Clown, where they take out Jo (much to my dismay) and add in Jem (much to my delight).

See how I just talk at you like you are going to read this shit just because I said. lol Sorry? Or not? DO IT! ;)

Winchester family portraits are win, even if they do have bloodied up faces (or maybe because of the bloodied up faces?). heehee Plus I figured I owed pretty Winchesters to my Flist, after all the crazy talk.

Edited because I know how to spell. Sure I do.


ranua March 27 2011, 17:27:24 UTC
I've got the pages all bookmarked and everything. So, I'll be getting to it eventually. It does sound pretty interesting. And if the writing is good, it'll suck me in like nobodies business. :D (good writing gets me every time)

I do think it's the bloodied faces that make it so damn pretty. And that would be a statement about either how eff'd up the show is or how eff'd up the fans are. :D


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