"Off The Map" is sorely lacking in Enrique!

Jan 20, 2011 23:19

So, I watched "Off The Map" today, the new show from the creator of "Grey's Anatomy" - which, for the record, I don't watch. This show was pretty much just Grey's on an island.

Apparently I missed the pilot episode last week, so someone who watched this show, please tell me...where exactly are they? I got that they are in South America, but...look, does anyone else find it odd that so many of the locals of this tiny rain-forest village speak English? Maybe I missed something, but I kind of found this full of fail and nonsense.

And not at all full of Enrique Murciano!!! BOO!! For his sake, I am glad. For my sake, not so much. I want my #1 TV BOYFRIEND BACK ON MY TV! (Honestly, I just want the characters Danny Taylor and Martin Fitzgerald to go be private investigators together on their own show.) Also, there were lots of naked women swimming in the lagoon or whatever, and hello, where is my naked Enrique?! Also, a missed opportunity to get him to speak some Spanish. It just rolls off of him like a sexgasm of words. It's delicious and delightful. As is he.

And Cheech was the medicine man of the village and all my sister had to say was, "Do you think you offered them Cherokee Hair Tampons?" (Anyone catches that reference, you win...my respect.)

Anyway, "Off the Map" blows and is slightly offensive and has NO ENRIQUE! On the upside, my Tivo tells me he will be popping up in an episode of "Medium" in the next few weeks so, - yay Tivo!

In Sum - My Tivo let's me watch Youtube from my TV!! Which means I can watch those uploaded "Misfits" episodes while working out. Also, I typed in the word "Dean" and the first thing that popped up was a Dean Winchester clip - so omg, I can watch SPN shit from Youtube on the big screen in my living room! TIVO IS THE BEST THING THAT EVER EXISTED EVER!!

enrique murciano is my agent-o-sex, danny/martin - special agent boyfriends, tivo and i will be in my bunk, youtube is an alien-virus, screw you guys going home, tv show blahblahblahing, sister oh sister

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