10 Years - Double Digits!

May 14, 2020 00:25

*a wee late because the darn thing wouldn’t crosspost from Dreamwidth, but yes May 13, 2020:

It is my Livejournal ten-year anniversary. Ten years! It seems like forever and also never ago. I sure wish this place was what it used to be, but alas everyone has gone and spread out across so many social media sites that it is impossible to have kept everyone together. Still, I am so grateful to have had this place when I needed it the most - when I was getting sober. And then for all the years after. And for all the people who made this place what it used to be, and what it still is, I say “thank you”. Getting a Livejournal brought me back to fandom and I had not realized how much I missed it or how much I needed it. Fandom truly can be family, and with so many of you, I found that to be true. I am forever grateful to The BFF for setting this up for me, this place here what I never knew I needed or was missing in my life. And, of course, to all of you, thank you and happy anniversary - not just to me, but to all of us who have been here through my ten amazing years. Stay safe out there.

anniversaries - celebrate!, drugs are bad mkay, my girls, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, fandom saved my life, emotional waxing, lj stuffs

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