
Feb 27, 2020 15:37

Why yes, I am going on another cruise! This time with Sis, Canadian Brother, Canadian Niece (age 10) & Canadian Nephew (age 8). It’s another Disney Star Wars Cruise - (the kids are both super into Star Wars) - only this time instead of the Virgin Islands, we sail west to Mexico, Grand Cayman, Jamaica & Bahamas. 7 days of sun, I can’t wait! Just 2 more days! Anyways, my hair... From FB, hence my begging if anyone knows where my hairstylist went, lol...

What do you guys think of the new hair?! I’m beach-ready! Vacation time! Tbh I was iffy at first on the hair. I had to work w a new girl, mine left JcPenney. (If any of the places you go have gotten a 30-something tattooed awesome lady named Lindsey on their roster in the past 9 months or so, lmk so I can check & see if that’s my girl, I need her back!)!!!

Anyways this only partially looks like the pic I showed the new girl, + she took four fricking hours, & it cost a bundle. But after a few days I decided it’s cute & vacation worthy & will look good in photos. 😊 I’ll have to get it trimmmed soon on account of how fast it grows, but in that trim I can go as short as I originally wanted. What I *really* wanted was to be a redhead, so I matched my four traveling companions, but I went a sorta cherry-pink on the last cruise & by Day 3 the sun had bleached it out - not that I’m complaining about the sun, lol. So this time I got a jump on the sun & bleached it myself. 😉

Our house-sitter has his bag packed, he’s ready to spend the week doting on our furr!bbs - they love him. 😻 And I’m ready to see my Canadian monkeys 🐒. So for now, peace out ✌🏼, my peeps! I will see you on the other side of my dimensional travels - (hey, we set sail on Leap Day, you know that means we go through a portal into another dimension, have adventures, and then come back. Except one of us will fall in love & choose to stay I guess if that’s me, it’s been a pleasure, ya’ll.).

Vacation pics when I get back!

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vacation - all i ever wanted, real life, photos - my life, crack my brain, blame canada

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