Pairing: Phil Coldsore/Nick Fairy.

Feb 22, 2018 21:59

The Canadian Niece is 8. My brother just texted me this.. “Your niece was talking about agent cold sore. I asked who that was and she said it’s the boyfriend of the guy with an eye patch…you know…nick fairy…”

Just FYI, I had to share the news of the great love affair between Agent Coldsore & Director Nick Fairy!

Also I definitely have things to share about my trip, but you all know how post-vacation goes - trying to catch up on all the little things around here that got away from me while I was gone. But in the meantime, let me just put this out there, ‘do you think Winston & Pippin missed me while I was away?’

I’m not sure, lol.

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photos - my life, avengers - more than a team, blame canada, furry family, cats are squishy fun!, agent coulson is a bamf, photos - pets, real life, vacation - all i ever wanted, agents of shield

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