Words Written In 2016!

Jan 31, 2018 18:58

So, here it is, the 31st of January, 2018. How did that happen? When I was a kid, I couldn’t even imagine 2018. It seemed like a lifetime away. But anyway, that’s not my point. My point is, it is 2018 and I have not posted any final word counts for 2016 or 2017. Damn. I usually do a full roundup with bonus trivia, but I’m gonna keep it simple here. So here is 2016...

7,750 words written in January!
5,650 words written in February!
4,850 words written in March!
6,250 words written in April!
4,700 words written in May!
3,000 words written in June!
3,600 words written in July!
2,500 words written in August!
2,000 words written in September!
6,950 words written in October!
4,550 words written in November!
1,150 words written in December.

52,950 words written in 2016!

Agents of Shield - 2,950 words.
Angel and/or Buffy - 3,400 words.
Avengers - 1,200 words.
Chicago Fire - 1,350 words.
Firefly - 400 words.
Gilmore Girls - 5,900 words.
Leverage - 1,850 words.
Lord of the Rings - 1,650 words.
Monster Squad - 6,950 words.
Narnia - 1,100 words.
Star Wars - 2,550 words.
Supernatural - 700 words. (crossover w Angel, already tallied)
Thor - 1,200 words.

30,500 words of fanfic.

Poetry - 250 words.
Short - 550 words.
Superhero (Book 2) - 9,350 words.
Pets (Book 1) - 12,300 words.

22,450 words of originals.

It looks like my highest month was January. And my lowest month was December. I wrote more fanfiction than I wrote on my books (oops). For the first time since I’ve been journaling - 2010 - Supernatural was my lowest fandom word count. My highest was The Monster Squad, lol, all one story. Though to be fair, there was a subtle John Winchester cameo in that fic. I wrote in 13 different fandoms. I wrote the most on Book 1 than I did any other thing, if you count the fandoms individually, sure let’s do that. And now for the big end result…

52,950 words written in 2016!

Not the 100k I had been going for that year, but considering how the year went in 2016 (and in 2017, tbh) not too shabby.

This entry was originally posted at https://dodger-sister.dreamwidth.org/237609.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

writing blahblahblahing, new years rockin eve!, word count total, fic count total, spn love

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