The Best Part Of Waking Up.

Dec 30, 2017 11:31

Just dropped all this on Twitter. Thought I’d drop it here as well, so you can see how my day has been going so far.

Home alone sleeping & our security alarm went off. Found front door open an inch, no footprints in snow. Dealt with alarm company, but declined a police car. 1 minute after I reset alarm, went off again. It’s the damn wind!! #weather

Hesitated on declining police, but once security co. sent cops out bc I didn’t know our verification word & they thought I was a robber. Cop said he’d rather come for false alarm then not come for real alarm. Then carried a package In for me. Nice guy....But then we got a bill for him coming out. Bc it was a false alarm, the city charged us for the police officer’s time. So he may have been happy to come out for a false alarm, better safe than sorry & all that, but the city saw it as a waste of resources & charged us $100 for it.

So today I weighed it being the wind against $100 & my safety and instead just turned the alarm back on & shoved the ottoman in front of the front door. Ofc if I have one of my fainting spells and EMS has to get in the front door, good luck to them. Ten mins after all this I got super nauseous & was like WTF, only to realize, ah that’s adrenaline coursing through your system. Fun morning all around. 😡. Cousin is here now to do the kitty litters for me & is inspecting the door, trying to determine what she thinks happened & if she can prevent it from happening again in a safer manner than “ottoman in front of the door”.

~~Lock your door girl!!!~~

It’s always locked! It has a keypad on the front door, you can’t open it at all unless you punch in the code. But if it wasn’t latched properly the wind could’ve blown it open. Idk, we are going to do a few test runs & see what happens. ... Ok, tested it out & went with manual lock (in case electronic one is on fritz), electronic lock, security alarm, ottoman in front of door. Whew, what a morning.

~~In winter when the wood expands and contracts it could give you a false sense of it being closed because it is tighter now! Get a backup latch my friend be safe!~~

Yeah & the wind is wicked today, so if it expanded/shrunk, ofc it blew open. At least if anyone does tries to get in, the alarm goes off Immediately & that thing is loud af & hopefully would scare ppl off. I also wear a medical alert bracelet & I can just push it & it starts screaming Medical Alarm Medical Alarm really loud & if I don’t answer when they come over the speaker, they send someone out to the house. Still, a terrifying way to wake up this morning! Thanks for the concern, friend!

So that’s been my morning so far. Yep.

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weather or not, #weather, worrying walrus, real life, scary shit that makes me shit

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