I'm not sure how much I will get done off of this month's checklist, because so much of my time is being taken up by funeral stuff and trying to help my sister as much as I can, but I will try to do a little at least. The funeral is next Saturday, but that won't be the end of the stuff we need done, especially since Sis is volunteering to do the house clean out at the farm, along with my cousin. One room at a time, sorting and cleaning. She had her first day today and it was mostly doing dishes and laundry and basic cleaning that needed done.
Anyway, here are the things I got done for July and August...
In July I did...
1x - called Canadian Brother.
3x - put away my laundry & wrote (one chapter for grandma's book & one for the nephew's).
4x - straightened up my room, went to physical therapy, did my calendar, organized my weekly pills, did the weekly TiVo 'to do' list & commented on my Flist.
5x - posted to LJ (no fics this month though).
8x - called my dad (an extra lot as I was updating him on my room reorganizing as it came along, since he gave me the money for it all).
I also sent out monthly birthday cards, organized my dollhouse stuff (Canadian Niece helped me with this after we got done playing with it all), sorted my VHS and DVDs, mailed out my Motor City Comic Con trinkets I bought for peeps, did the first step of organizing my photos on my computer, ordered my new furniture and my new electronics, did a graph of my room to see how to reorganize the whole thing (pics to come!), and I sorted through the videos and music on my computer. Plus, you know, having every niece and nephew here for a massive visit!
In August I did...
1x - posted a fic!
2x - commented on my Flist, answered comments & wrote (one chapter for The Nephew's book and then started a Gilmore Girls fic).
3x - straightened up my room & called Canadian Brother.
4x - put away my laundry, did my weekly calendar, did my weekly pills & did the weekly TiVo 'to do' list.
5x - went to physical therapy, called my dad & posted to LJ.
I also went to my little brother's annual 'Halloween in August' costume party (as an evil fairy!), found some place to engrave my dad's birthday present (got grandpa's memorial flag framed up for him), went to the eye doctor, had
hiyacynth in for a weekend visit!, went to counseling, wrote a letter to The Nephew (I'm his pen pal!), sorted through and got rid of a bunch of clothes/CDs/books/stuffed animals and dolls, organized my comics in new photo boxes, sorted and gave a bunch of VHS/DVDs to my little brother, organized my art stuff/jewelry/medical stuff/office supplies, got Best Buy to come set up our new TV (40 inch!, I get to have the 32 in my room now!), moved everything from my old dresser to new dresser, ordered and organized my new bookcases, hookup-ed our new Tivo and TiVo minis, went to my primary doctor for my kidney stone, let's add 'passed a kidney stone' to this list, called my grandma for a chat, went to see my grandma and took Hiccup (so glad we got a chance to do this before she passed), celebrated my Dad's birthday with Red Lobster, finally typed up the epic Mom Update post, sent out the monthly birthday cards, sorted through the documents on my IPad and computer, bought a new autograph book and re-organized all of those, got a photo album and printed out all the pics from Motor City Comic Con, transferred everything from my old IPad to the new one and set up all my games again (which was a headache but the new IPad is fantastic!).
Anyways, I think it's okay if I take a break this month!