My Soul For Some Sleep.

Jul 02, 2016 23:24

My little 3 year old niece is running around the house in her Hello Kitty nightgown and it is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life, omg.

So last weekend The Nephew came in on Sunday and we went to see Independence Day 2 and then he stayed all week to go to archeology day camp and come here every night. From basically 5:30 - 8:30 every night I was on TN-duty, playing video games, watching movies and getting my butt handed to me at Monopoly. Thursday evening my Canadian Brother arrived with his two kids.

After work Friday, Sis was suppose to take TN and Little Girl Cousin to the city pool, but it was only 70F, and when they got there the pool was closed because they have a temp minimum. So CBro, myself and his two kids met them at the bowling alley instead. It was all handicap accessible, so I bowled for the first time in over a decade! LGC had to leave after, so TN and I started a movie, but he didn't even make it an hour before he fell asleep. This morning my brother dropped off the 3yr old niece and Sis, CBro and all four niblings went to the aquarium - after Sis got her flat tire fixed! Sis said it was cool if LGC came back and stayed the whole weekend, so I gave her a call. Little did I know the troupe wouldn't be home until 8:30, so after I straightened up the house for an hour, I babysat her for three hours. I got into bed as soon as Sis got home, lol.

Tomorrow they're doing studio photos in the morning, as a surprise for my parents and we'll all go to the city fireworks at night. We have a cookout on Monday for family/friends - usually about 20 or so - and then TN2 and LGC go home. The rest of the week, until Sunday, is just hanging with Canadian Brother and my Canadian niece and nephew. And then the following Monday - oh, oh then, I sleep! Right now I'm in my bed, Mom's in hers, CBro's on the upstairs couch, Sis's in her bed downstairs and Little Girl Cousin, The Nephew, Canadian Niece, Canadian Nephew and The Niece (ages 12,10, 6, 5 & 3) are watching a movie in a blanket/pillow/couch fort downstairs where they will all sleep.

I am soooo tired, you guys. I mean, I wouldn't trade a minute with my niblings for anything, but I'm just saying...if the devil showed up and offered me 18 solid straight hours of rejuvenating sleep right now in exchange for my soul, I'd probably take it!

the nephew, social issues, sleep now, family circus, blame canada, little girl cousin, real life, the niece, fourth of july - explosions in the sky, sister oh sister

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