Books, Ah, Books.

Jan 30, 2016 18:00

Before the first month of the new year passes, I thought I’d write up about the books I read last year. I was aiming for 10, but only made it through 6. It’s just, the older I get, the worse the brain fog gets. I read a lot of YA & Middle-Grade books this past year - (thanks ceitfianna for giving me a word for books for like 5th graders, because YA wasn’t ( Read more... )

the nephew, social issues, mini-me - childhood, my girls, christmas - the magic and the wonder, family circus, brainzzzz, video games are for cool people now, real life, new years rockin eve!, books ah books, sister oh sister, giant monsters

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vikingprincess January 30 2016, 23:10:26 UTC
I adore the image of you shouting during a Christmas pageant - and wish it had actually happened!


dodger_sister February 22 2016, 00:31:01 UTC
I adore the image of you shouting during a Christmas pageant - and wish it had actually happened!

Have you read it? During the dress rehearsal the little girl who is supposed to the angel is like yelling, "Out of the black night, with a terrible vengeance, Shazam!" because they told her that the angel appeared suddenly in the middle of the night to the shepherds. And also, "Hey, shepherds, a baby is born, get going!" and then the cafeteria ladies think the church is on fire cuz one of the kids is smoking in the bathroom and pulls the fire alarm and the fire department comes and the angel is herding everyone out of the church yelling Shazam! - idek, I just really wanted to be that kid and I think Mom was afraid I would start yelling "Out of the black night with a terrible vengeance in the middle of the play. So I never got to be the angel of the lord. Boo.


vikingprincess February 22 2016, 00:47:47 UTC
Isn't it the one where the WORST family in town decides they want to be in the pageant, and they're numerous and ill-mannered and everyone is scared to let them in but can't keep them out? I'm pretty sure I've read it at some point.

Your mom was totally overreacting to your fandom love. Silly woman!


dodger_sister February 22 2016, 00:53:01 UTC
Isn't it the one where the WORST family in town decides they want to be in the pageant, and they're numerous and ill-mannered and everyone is scared to let them in but can't keep them out? I'm pretty sure I've read it at some point.

Yeah that's the one! Only of course the Worst Kids don't ruin it, they actually get it. All the other kids do the play because their parents make them every year and they just go through the motions. But the worst kids, they get it. They get what it's like to be forced out, to be turned away by everyone, to not be wanted, to be looked down on, like Mary and Joseph and Jesus were. They actually get what the play is trying to tell them and it's kind of beautiful. But also hysterically well written!

Your mom was totally overreacting to your fandom love. Silly woman!

No. No, she wasn't. I would have done it. Little 7yr old me would have done it. She made the right call.


vikingprincess February 22 2016, 00:58:35 UTC
Would have been kinda awesome to see, which I guess I said already? :P


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