A New Addition To The Family!

Oct 29, 2015 21:55

We have a new addition to our family. Her name is Libby. I know she's not pretty, but she's ours and we love her.

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not my pics or vid, stolen from the internet

No, okay, for real - this is the newest addition to our Halloween decor. She is actually called Limbless Libby and I got her online. I won't say how much, but less than $100 and more than $50. My sister opened the box and yelled, "What have you done?!" I said, "I just want to represent my people." We were trying to convince The Nephew to come in for Halloween this year, since it's on a Saturday, but he saw her and was like, "If she's gonna be there, I'm not coming." She wasn't even assembled yet! I was like, "How can you be scared of something that you saw come in a box marked 'Amazon'?" (in the end, his dad refused to let TN come in, bc he gets scared so easily and we apparently do Halloween too scary or something, phewft.). My sister's friend from work was invited to join us for Halloween too - and this is a grown ass woman - and she was all, "No, I'm scared of your zombie lady, I saw pictures." And I was like, "I can't believe you, discriminating against certain zombies because of their disabilities!" I've already had so much fun making spoonie jokes about her that she was worth the money for that alone.

We've had to keep her inside though, because she is big and bulky all put together and Sis can't be hauling her in and out every time it rains, so instead we set her in front of the big windows in our living room. From outside, you can totally see her and the walker and everything. The step pad is stretched out to the corner, so we can stand in the corner, out of sight from the outside, and activate her whenever we want. It's gonna be awesome come Halloween night!

A couple of our friends may stop by on Saturday to watch us terrorize kids and we are kinda doing our costumes on the fly this year - what with Mom's health we are a little disorganized - but there will be pizza and wings and bread and wine and pop and candy and maybe some Buffy Halloween episodes this year. And, of course, terrorizing the neighborhood kids! Sis said maybe Libby was too scary for the kids and I said, "That's the point. They aren't my kids, so...too scary is the point." Because it's Halloween and scary is the point!

witches cackle, the nephew, halloween is my fav holiday, photos - various, my girls, scary shit that makes me shit, family circus, brainzzzz, videos - various, because i'm sick and twisted like that, do you like waffles, youtube is an alien-virus, sister oh sister

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