
Sep 10, 2015 18:32

We're getting a dog! No, not Violet the French Bulldog pup my sister still dreams of, even though it's maybe morally objectionable, but awfully cute. My mom's dog, Winston, to be exact. Winston was staying with my aunt after my mom broke her shoulder, when it looked like it would be a few weeks, but now that she has had the heart attacks and will be in rehab, surgery, recovery, etc for several months, some changes had to be made.

Winston is used to being home with someone all day, as my mom never travels farther than the library or the store. Even when she was working, she was never gone for more than 4 hours a day. My aunt is gone all day and then often takes off again in the evenings. She has an elderly foster dog, Damien, and he is low-key, in need of affection and a good home, but doesn't mind being home alone most of the day. Winston isn't like that. He's subdued since the attack, and he is 8 now, but he is still active, interested in the world around him. I've been babysitting Winston here and there since Mom went into the hospital, when my aunt is going out again in the evening and knows that Winston needs some attention. It has worked out really well so far. One night she wasn't home and it started storming - which he is terrified of - and she asked us to pick him up, so we did. He was so scared alone like that and was so happy when we got him back to our house. When we told our mom about this, she straight out asked us to take him, having no idea that Sis and I had been discussing it already and trying to figure out a way to convince her to do this and also not hurt our aunt's feelings.

We went to the store and bought him two new beds and a bunch of toys - of which he took no notice except the bone, which he proceeded to carry around the house all day and show to everyone, including the cats, like yes, Winston, we all see your bone, damn, son - and treats and new water bowl and pretty much everything a dog would need, ever. Then my sister went online and bought a cat tree and shelving for our living room to finally catify our house, so the cats don't feel their territory is infringed on. We've always wanted to do this, but getting the dog was the push we needed to finally catify the shit out of this place.

Our aunt is worried that taking Winston will be taking on too much when we already have so much on our plate with Mom as it is, but somehow having him here puts us at ease more than it adds to our plate. IDK, I am bit worried about how it will change the structure and dynamics of the household, but also excited because he is a good boy and I can really help by being here with him all day and yeah, it's not the dog we would have picked for ourselves, but he's a lovable happy affectionate dog and Mom is so happy he will be here and I can send her pictures and videos all the time and they can Facetime together through our Ipads and IDK, it'll just be nice to have him. He's a good boy.

shopping is a vice, worrying walrus, happy-face, family circus, furry family, cats are squishy fun!, i need a sugardaddy, sister oh sister

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