A Wild Saturday Night.

Aug 16, 2015 15:36

So I had like a good, but ridiculous evening last night. My sister had to run Dad's groceries out to him, so I asked her to bring me coney dogs from the place down the street from his house - this is our childhood home and we had a Frosty King right down the street, so you can imagine we frequented that a lot - and they have the best coneys I have ever had, omg. So she was gonna bring me two coneys with mustard. When she came back, she said she had a surprise for me. I pulled an extra container out of the bag and thought, 'Oh cool, she got me chili cheese fries too.' Nope. She got me Funnel Fries. No, okay, l I have never heard of these before, but they are like funnel cakes in the shape of french fries. Like french fry shaped pieces of crispy funnel cake bread covered in sugar. OMG, FUNNEL FRIES. It's like going to the fair and getting funnel cake, but without the hassle of going to the fair!!! The best coney dogs ever and funnel fries, omg, if only I could get this place to be open year round, my life would be complete.

Then my sister wanted to play Monopoly. I got her a Walking Dead version for her birthday and we've been playing quite a bit lately. I've only beat her once so far, but considering I never beat her at anything, I'll take it. So we were playing Monopoly when she gets a text from her 'work-wife' who is at a Disney themed wedding. Apparently she took pictures of all the Disney themed center pieces and sent it to all her coworkers and was making them vote on the best one. She continued to text about the Disney themed wedding all night and it was like a mass conversation going on between them, like dudes, you'll all see each other on Monday, calm down. I may have muttered something about, 'those losers' under my breath and the next thing I know I am involved in this madness and texting back at them, idek. My sister sold me out. Finally one of her coworkers, the geek dude, texts everyone asking, "Is it lame that I am 32 and home alone on a Saturday night, popping popcorn and about to watch Beauty and The Beast? Whatever, I don't care, I'm doing it anyways." These are the people my sister works with. Anyways, despite that I started out with way more properties and a shit ton more money than her, my sister somehow still beat me at Monopoly. I just sat at the table, screaming, "What did I do wrong?!" while my sister laughed so hard I thought she was going to pee her pants.

So, that's what I did last night.

laugh laugh i nearly died, real life, do you like waffles, crack my brain, brainzzzz, the walking dead are coming!, sister oh sister

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