Birthday Twins!

May 23, 2015 23:35

I am typing this on the awesome new keyboard/case that my sister got me for my IPad and the keys glow so I can type in bed in the dark so like higher word counts, here I come! Yes, it is my birthday!! No, I am not going to put up a baby picture of me today because I am so tired from the zoo yesterday - which I will tell you about later - and from bday dinner with The BFF today - which I will also tell you about later. But you know I like my traditions so I promise to put up several baby pictures later this week, to make up for this lapse in tradition - and because I was such a cute fucking kid!

But I wanted to say a few things here anyways. First, thank you for all the birthday wishes! You don't even know, it made my day to sign on and see all the posts and messages from you guys - you all rock!

Secondly, she gets overlooked too often, as my birthday twin, where I often post about my own birthday but not hers. So, let's rectify...Happy Birthday to my BFF, my bestie, my birthday twin, my girl, my sister I never knew I needed until I had her, like the best friend anyone could ask for. She and my sister met through a mutual friend and casually mentoned their favorite coffee joint and then realized like, wait, that means we work across the street from the same coffee shop, like what, and then my sister brought her home and then...well the rest is history. I can't even imagine what would have happened if they hadn't realized that they worked so close to each other, if they hadn't been at the same luncheon that day, if they hadn't realized like, Fangirl I live close to right here. Because then my sister would have never brought her home, invited her over, introduced us...and my life would be so drastically different. I can't guys, I can't. I am tearing up right now, omg. Legit. I just...I love her so and she is always there when I need her and I don't know how I got so lucky. Plus, today she gave me Goonies action figures for my birthday. Like, always there when I need her plus Goonies action figures - how can I be so lucky. So, go, wish liptonrm a Happy Birthday for me. Because I love her so.

I'll be back around when the holiday weekend is over - enjoy it, you guys you deserve it!

mini-me - childhood, my girls, friends 4evah, the bff is my bestest best friend, happy-face, fandom saved my life, real life, emotional waxing, geek squad time, sister oh sister

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