The Only Way They Could Be Bigger Nerds...

Apr 20, 2015 16:09

So on Saturday we had a little house party with my sister's coworkers. We had burritos and played Geek Out - (the game where you have to bid against the other team as to who can name the most in a category, ie movies where a child is kidnapped into another realm, educational science tv shows, etc). See, my sister's co-workers are all a bunch of geeks and nerds. Once they got in trouble at work for spending too much time talking about The Avengers and actually scheduled a 'lunch meeting' for them to talk about The Avengers. I mean, they are Electronic Records Managers, they could only be bigger nerds if they were accountants.

I couldn't decide what to wear; a blouse that shows off my tattoo, my retro Spidey shirt (which was dirty) or my Browncoats shirt (which is a little tight). My sister was like, "Let me wash your Spidey shirt, it's a geek party!" and threw that in the wash. First guy that comes bring his kids and starts taking out the snacks he brought them - from his original 1980s Return of the Jedi tin lunchbox! I geeked out and dragged him to my room to show him all of my original Star Wars action figure stuff. He also liked my original BSG Starbuck and Apollo and my Green Arrow pillowcase! The next guy was wearing my exact Browncoat shirt that I had almost worn that day. Third guy was married to my sister's work-wife and claimed he was just there for the beer, but he was wearing a Waldorf & Statler 'Haters Gonna Hate' shirt, so I think he was bluffing on not being geeky enough.

There were 8 of us and to divide teams, we used character tokens from our Buffy board game, good vs evil. I drew The Mayor! My team consisted of Browncoat, WaldorfNStatler and Work Wife. We had to pick team leaders and I offered but Browncoat was like, "Oh hell no, I've heard stories about how you play games!" I yelled, "Go big or go home!" and he was like, "My point exactly." So Browncoat was our team leader. The other team's leader was freaky stoic about it. When it was their bid, she would just calmly and quickly say, "We can do 12." Literally not even blinking. No hesitation. It made us nervous,. She seemed so confident that they could do it that we always tried to out bid them, even if we didn't think we could do it ourselves. She had excellent poker-face. And then Browncoat's wife is this cute little doctor who was viscous about the game. She and I were constantly challenging each other. At one point someone suggested we go outside and settle it that way. (after the game, we shook hands and then I recced her a bunch of shows to watch, including Lost Girl). Also, WaldorfNStatler got really into the bidding. When the other team would say, "We can do 7," he would shout, "We can do 13!". Eventually we started yelling, "He's not the leader, don't listen to him," and he was like, "Omg, this is my nightmare." And at one point, Lunchbox and I got into it about which Justice League characters actually got de-aged that one time. At first my team was down like to 5 to 0, but we came back and it ended up being a one point game, though we lost.

I woke up not feeling that great - waking up and getting going takes me a couple hours these days - and I wasn't sure I could do the party at all. It was super important to my sister and I knew everyone wanted to meet me, but I felt so awful and I made myself so anxious about having a lightheaded spell during the party, like 'what if'...but I did it and I am so glad. I was sweating and having hot flashes through the whole thing - and the next day started my Awesome Time of Month so that explains that - but I am super glad and proud I did it. It was wicked fun and I can't wait for them to come back this summer for a Geek out cookout!

sick n tired, worrying walrus, battlestar galactica has space, firefly - serenity is my home, arrow - the green hood, biology can bite my ass, real life, comics were always for cool people, spiderman is my comic book boyfriend, star wars is forever, fannish joy, sister oh sister, lost girl the series

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