Definitely A Ten.

Mar 13, 2015 16:09

OMG, you guys. My body is falling apart. Two weeks ago I pulled some muscles in my lower abdomen - playing 3 point basketball on the Wii for 45 minutes straight was one of the offending activities, but dammit I knew I could get a higher score! It hurt pretty damn bad, especially when I moved around. I had to lay off exercising for awhile. Then over the weekend I think I broke a few of those little tiny bones in the top of my hand. Not shocked by this, given how hard I was pushing to get the glitter glue out of the bottle. I've just tried to take it easy on that hand, but taking it easy is hard to do when it is the bones attached to your pointer and middle fingers, because damn a person uses those fingers for everything.

Then two nights ago I threw out my lower back/hip area. I felt it go, like a crack and a sharp line of pain and then it felt like something was pinched in there. I thought it would be fine in the morning. It was not. I got up to go to the bathroom and while on the toilet, I suddenly started to get that cold flushing that I get before I pass out. But it wasn’t too bad and I thought, “Oh I have a UTI again,” because that’s what happened when I passed out from the UTI. But the cold flush didn’t go away and then suddenly I was going to throw up and I raced back to bed, so I at least would be laying down when I passed out. But then I managed to breath through it and didn’t throw up or pass out, in the end. I thought, “Wow, what are the odds I hurt my back and have the flu at the same time.” I fell back asleep and when I woke up I still felt kind of sick to my stomach, but I wasn’t running a fever and it suddenly dawned on me that this was all from the pain. It was definitely a 10 on the pain scale. My sister told me later, “What is wrong with you? Why didn’t you call me to take you to the ER? If I ever woke up in so much pain that I almost threw up and passed out, you’d be yelling at me to go to the ER.” She’s right, of course, but the pain was fogging my brain. I was scheduled to have Mom over to play Boggle and when she showed up I asked her to put a icy-hot patch on me. Turns out we had given all our icy-hots to Mom and I made her walk back to her house and get me one. We did play Boggle - I kicked her ass! - and she kept saying, “Are you sure you don’t want to just lay down?” because I was in so much pain, but I couldn’t find a comfortable position laying down anymore than I could sitting up and at least playing games was distracting. The only time it relieved any pressure was when I stood up, but I can’t stand for more than 5 minutes at time, so…yeah.

I had taken a muscle relaxer the first night, so last night I allowed myself a pain pill and a muscle relaxer. I could still feel pain, but it certainly dulled it. It’s been a year since I allowed myself a pain pill. It’s been even longer since I’ve been in such terrible pain that a Norco/Flexeril combo didn’t wipe the pain out completely. I go to PT today and I think they will be able to help, since it feels like something just needs to be released in there. And already the pain is better than yesterday, down from an 8-10 to a 6-8 pain level. But I think I will allow myself one more Norco tonight. If it hasn’t dropped down another pain level by Saturday, we can go to the ER and get an xray, just to make sure it isn’t a slipped disc.

So, yeah, that’s what’s been going on with me. I must go back to the couch now and eat more Girl Scout Cookies. I think K is wrong when he tells me eating an entire box of cookies won’t fix my ailments. I think he is very, very wrong.

sick n tired, drugs are bad mkay, my girls, family circus, that's why they call it a workout, video games are for cool people now, art blahblahblahing, real life, do you like waffles, sad-face, sister oh sister

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