Yes, Seriously.

Dec 09, 2014 20:51

So, my mother broke her hip. Yep. It was just a hairline fracture, so no surgery, but also because it is a hip, they can't splint it or anything. Which, knowing my mom's inability to not do All The Things, she is a high risk of breaking it further. We are trying to keep her off her feet, but you know parents - you can't tell them anything! Apparently she had a cramp in her left leg and so stood up on her right leg to shake out the cramp, lost her balance, fell over and twisted the right leg on her way down, snapping the hipbone. Why an elderly woman with brittle bones and severe arthritis would ever stand on one leg is beyond me, but whatever. She also wasn't wearing the MedAlert button that Sis pays for her to have, because 'she doesn't like to wear it' and so she had to crawl to the phone to call for help.

She is home now and my two aunts are taking turns staying with her after my sister spent most of the weekend there. I am pretty pissed at the doctors that she isn't in a rehab ward or something. She can barely make it to the bathroom, let alone get food or water or pretty much anything she needs. She is able to transfer to a bedside commode, but that's about all she can do by herself and she couldn't even do that when they sent her home on Friday. We tried to talk her into staying at our very nice handicap accessible house, where I will be everyday to fetch her things. She looked like she was going to cry. "I want to be at my own home. I want to have my own things." We had even said her dog could come with her, but no, she wanted my sister to just move in with her for the week. Um, I live with my sister for a reason - because I need someone to help me out. I mean, I can stay home alone for a weekend, if we get everything set up ahead of time, but not a whole week and my sister can't do that while she is trying to also work every day. IDEK. I get frustrated with whiny sick people who get all entitled. It sucks to break a bone like that, it really does. But shit happens and you just gotta suck it up. I finally yelled at her that she couldn't have everything she wanted, that I hadn't wanted to spend 6 weeks in the hospital when I broke both my femurs, that I wanted to be home with my things and my bed and my cats, but you gotta suck it up and do what is best for your recovery.

But then my aunts offered to help, so other than running a few errands for her and walking the dog, Sis is pretty much in the clear.. Little Brother and I both got on Mom that she cannot ask Sister to commute to work everyday, work a demanding job all day, come home and take care of me and then go to Mom's house and take care of her. Mom seemed to think that we were silly for suggesting that was too much for a person to handle.

/sigh/ I feel like such a mean person for not being more sympathetic that my elderly mother has broken her hip and is basically confined to her own bed, but I can't help feeling like she makes things more difficult than they have to be. She is loving the attention and drama though, wanting to know if every little person is asking after her. Yeah, this whole post makes me feel like a bad person. I recognize that this time of year makes me even shorter with my parents for some reason, but it just always feels like one thing after another with the two of them.

Mom is improving steadily though so that is a plus! And I'll take that plus!

sick n tired, worrying walrus, family circus, furry family, real life, douchebags, sad-face, sister oh sister

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