Something Wicked This Way Comes!

Oct 29, 2014 15:53

So, on Monday it was almost 70 degrees outside and sunny. It is slowly getting colder and according to the weather forecast, will be 40 degrees and snowing by Friday...Halloween. Dammit! I hope this is one of those times that the weather forecaster is completely totally off-base. I always hated it when it was that cold out on Halloween, because Mom would make us wear our winter coats over our costumes. That's no fun at all. For myself this year, I have PT on Friday afternoon - (which means I'll get to see the carnivale I helped them design as their contest theme this year!) - so I figured it would be easiest for me to get my costume on beforehand, so I am not rushed when I get home. Plus, then I get to show off - though the dress is kinda form-fitting, so I'm a little self-conscious, but I'm really excited that I am going to have like a bloody mouth, all gross, like I just ate someone. It's gonna be so freaky! But I want to wear my faux-leather jacket, because I'm a vampire and they wear cool leather jackets. I just hope it's not too cold out because it's a light weight coat. Oh, how we suffer for our art!

Anyways, here's another Halloween post for you guys...this time our front yard, all decorated up like a graveyard meant to terrorize the neighborhood children! Our reaper and our bat have both broken, so this year we replaced them with a howling spooky light-up ghost.

Our yard this year, in the daylight.

Some other things, current and years past.

Our yard this year, at night.

I found this cool thing online that looks like a Welcome Mat, but when you step on it, it cackles and moans. I think I want to get that for next year, so that when the kids actually work up the courage to approach our house, there will be one last thing on the top step to freak them out. Man, I love Halloween!

witches cackle, weather or not, mini-me - childhood, ghosts say boo, halloween is my fav holiday, photos - various, photos - my life, vampires suck, brainzzzz, that's why they call it a workout, art blahblahblahing, real life, because i'm sick and twisted like that, eeeevilll, giant monsters

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