
Jun 23, 2014 21:27

I didn't post my story this weekend because I got sunburned, like bad. It happened on Saturday, which other than the sunburn and the exhausting day, was actually quite nice. The Nephew needed a ride to baseball practice and then we stayed for his game and afterwards he 'took' my sister to see How To Train Your Dragon 2 for her birthday. (meaning, she drove and I paid). The BFF came with us and it was five hours of fun time with The Nephew. When he was about 4, my sister had him at Target and he picked up HTTYD and told us that movie was really good. Now at that age it was kind of a crapshoot with him on whether a movie he calls 'good' would be too cheesy for us to watch. So for a long time it was a big source of pride with him that we loved HTTYD so much and that we watched it multiple times. So when he found out the sequel was coming out the weekend of my sister's birthday, he was all, "That's what we should do for her birthday!" So we did.

But yeah, I got burned pretty bad at the ballgame. About an hour in, I noticed my sister's back (she was in a tanktop) was getting really red and especially since she has a sun allergy, we got out the lotion. She offered me some, but I was like, "Oh no. You know, I always gotta burn once and then I'm good. Let's just get it over with." One and done. Except, I forgot a medicine I am on makes me sensitive to the sun. So my face got burned, (awkward sunglass line around my eyes too). I was wearing a v-neck shirt, so my chest got a little. My right arm got burned pretty bad, with the shocking abrupt stop to the line where my sleeve cut it off. And then my left arm got scorched up like awful.

So when I got home, I put an ice pack on it and then later rubbed Aloe Vera all in. The next day, I woke up and my whole left arm and hand were way, way swollen. Like I had creepy claw hand and I couldn't move at all without feeling like my skin was going to crack open and fall off. But I could still move my wrist and wiggle my fingers, so I didn't go to urgent care. Instead I called my brother, with his reputation for holistic healing ideas, and asked his advice. He basically said that everything I had done the day before was the worst thing I could have done. Cool water is good, but ice or really cold water is too much of a shock to the burn. And rubbing the Aloe Vera into the skin is bad because then it gets down in the second layer and blocks the heat from escaping. You are suppose to just coat your top layer of skin with it, not rub it in like lotion. So then I was 24 hours out (the time frame for actually being able to do anything to help it) and my hand was all swollen and I was still radiating heat. Not good.

I did cool water soaking all day yesterday and got some cool-down spray that my brother recommended, (his wife uses it cuz she burns bad). I also turned the fan on last night and slept with my arm outside the covers and kept a spray bottle of water next to my bed to keep moistening the skin throughout the night. And I've been drinking lots of water and Gatorade and taking Ibuprofen. The swelling has gone down about halfway and I am actually able to type this out without screaming pain, so that's good, but I am still radiating heat like woah. Yeah, I screwed up good. Sun lotion from now on!

the nephew, sick n tired, sports talk - all about the uniforms, birthdays, the bff is my bestest best friend, movie blahblahblahing, family circus, i got burned, public service anouncement, real life, dragons are badass, douchebags, sister oh sister

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