Quick update for you all on last week...2 ambulance rides, a couple days in the hospital, severe dizziness, nausea, fatigue, 6 different tests, 5 different doctors, 4 different possible diagnoses, 2 new medicines and now I'm home. Best guess is that I had a UTI that slammed into me on Saturday and caused me to pass out while I was peeing and then
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Ditto on MAOS -- it has been soooo good the past few episodes. The last one was riveting.
HAVE YOU SEEN THE FINALE?! OMGOMGOMG! I don't want to say anything until I know if you've seen the finale, but okay, is it me or is evil!Ward way hotter than Goody!Ward?
I watched 15 minutes of the first ep of 100 and had to stop. 90210 in future space. I am getting too old, I just cannot relate to the juvenile behavior. Everyone was so slappable.
You know, I often enjoy those teen soap operas when they are ridiculous and just don't care. I am too old for the ones that take themselves seriously, but the campy ones (like Reign) really work for me. Unfortunately The 100 takes itself way too seriously and is basically just Lost with teenagers, which I might as well just be watching Lost again then. The parts I like the best are the parts on The Ark with the adults and the futuristic space station and the apocalyptic vibe of desperation going on there. The stuff on earth with the kids is lame. Also, they killed off the only main black kid in like episode 3, which pissed me off. I'm watching through the end of s1, but I doubt they'll wow me enough to get me to come back for s2.
It's as though the last few episodes showed the brilliance of the first few episodes. But the middle bogged down. I am hoping for more out of the show in season 2. I will watch it no matter the quality because, well, Phil.
Yes! When Garret popped back up, my sister was like, "Oh, of course, damn." And then Phil just came around the corner and BAM and that was it. Like it was so not tropey, like you expect the bad guy gets back up again at the very end of the episode dundundun - that always happens - but this time, nope, just BAM, moving on. AWESOME.
I feel like everything from the minute Hydra came along was pure gold. I think it just took them that long to find their footing - Whedon shows sometimes have this problem, Dollhouse in particular which was done by the same Whedons who are running this show. But now I feel like they have the perfect rounded team - Simmons, Melinda, Skye, Coulson, Triplett - and they have a clear mission - rebuild Shield - and I think that will really help S2 a lot.
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