Spent the afternoon at my mom’s, just me and my sister and her. She made all the Thanksgiving yummies; turkey, mashed potatoes, squash, stuffing, green beans, rolls and olives. Then my aunt came over and we played Scrabble. Apparently it’s the new Thanksgiving tradition, now that the gatherings are much smaller because my little brother spends
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I had a CT scan done the other day and my hernia has repaired itself! But...I am still having stabbing stomach pain and the CT scan turned up nothing. Good side, I don't have something terrible going on in there. Bad side, they don't know why I'm in pain. Boo.
Fingers crossed I've been keeping my food down this month. Which is good because I lost a stone and a half over Christmas.
That sounds awful. Is it all from complications of your disorder? Or from pain? Either way, you can't be getting better if you aren't even keeping food down. Here's hoping you are these days. /xxx fingers/
Lots of little things make me think of you, especially are many shared shows
Me too! Certain things come across my dash or journal and I'm like, "Oh, Lizi would love that, I wonder how she is." Or when something funny happens on one of our shows, I always think of you. (I'm all caught up on Chicago Fire now and omg, I love that Severide is the one all over Casey's ass because he KNOWS something is wrong with his boy. I do not like this storyline that has Shay and Dawson not working together though! Even if Dawson looks good in the firefighter trainee clothes).
Ever think of joining the dark side and getting a twitter?
Nope. I don't have a phone that can text, so I'd only be able to twitter from my IPad and that spends the majority of my day plugged in and charging (pull it out at about 9/10 when I get into bed and Tumblr and use the Netflix app or read fic until about 1am, by which time the battery is almost dead - Tumblr really drains it - and then charge up during the day the next day and go again). My phone is free and the service is free, paid for by my dad, so I don't complain and frankly, ugh, I don't need another blackhole to fall into. Having texting would be the downfall of me. (I recently discovered I can text from my IPad to other people who have IPads/IPhones but since my IPad is plugged in all day, I usually only use it to text my sister what I want for dinner. lol)
P.S using my Frank icon. Not sure if I've told you before but he has a lot of health issues. on't know how he did all that touring, still does while being sick.
OH! I saw this post going around Tumblr the other day that was like "You never know what a person is suffering through," and used all these celebrities with diseases and mental health situations like - This Celebrity You Love: Suffers From xxxx. And Frank was one of them and I was astounded by some of the stuff there. (also it made me think of you!). You really never can tell just by looking at a person. Even someone with visible issues like myself - just because you can see I have health problems, doesn't mean you have any idea of what's really going on under there. It was a cool post.
Over Christmas I picked up an awesome infection in my lungs which apparently EDS people are prone to, I never knew this, so at least I know why I get sick every winter. This was bad even for me though and just as it was finally clearing up I got the flu. ugh. Eating fine now though and slowly putting the weight back on, Main problem is pain right now, I keep flaring, but it could be worse.
Sometimes when I'm posting to tumblr I'm like yep. pretty sure dodger will get a kick out of this to.So I post it hoping it'll make you smile I need to steal some of my old tumblr post because I miss being able to scroll back and see them
That post sounds really interesting! I'll keep an eye out because I can't agree more with you that you really can't tell about a persons health from looking at them, and even if there is something to see, that doesn't mean you are seeing everything the person is going through.
Twitter is a time suck and something I think you need on like all your devices to keep up on your feed. I like it because when I can't sleep is the time a lot of people I know from the USA are awake and I can talk to them. Keeps me sane at 4am lol
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