Previously, In My Life.

Aug 26, 2013 22:10

My dad turned 65 on Thursday, so on Saturday myself, my sister, brother, sis-in-law and both the kids went up to the hospital to have lunch with him. He seemed to make a real effort for the day - got dressed, cleaned up and was waiting in the lobby when we arrived. He made it about an hour and a half before he said he had to go back to bed, which my dad admitting he can't do something is a huge red flag to me - but even so, he seemed better than my sister had been saying, so that's something. Though, at this point, his quality of life has gotten so poor that I wonder if he has the drive to even fight these infections anymore.

The Nephew had just read a huge chunk of his Marvel Encyclopedia and he was talking to me about it at great lengths. But I'd had to get out of bed about 3 hours earlier than I usually do, so I wasn't as enthused as I can be. At one point he propped his head up on his hand and said, "So, I guess we're just running out of things to talk about." How does he sound like such a grown-up little man?! I told him I was just really tired. Also, remember how he told me that writing is ‘just typing words‘? Well I gave him a prompt - a Batman and Blue Beetle fic idea - and I have been bugging him for weeks about when he is going to write it (just like he bugs me when I am writing one for him). He kept getting so frustrated with me for bugging him! But he finally finished it - so you guys, The Nephew has now filled his first fanfiction prompt!! I am so proud.

ION, my glasses melted off my face! I had two identical pairs and one melted, right at the bridge of my nose, after wearing them outside in the heat for too long. Not snapped or broken, just melted. So I have been careful about wearing the second pair in the sun and heat. But I forgot and wore them during my 15 minute heat session at therapy and the next day, pair #2 melted in half as well. I have been without my glasses for a week. Luckily I am not blind without them (though I feel naked!) but they do help keep my eyes from getting too tired. I have noticed a distinct difference, especially by the end of the day, without them. I found a place that takes my insurance for the exam but they have a 3 week waiting list. I got in some place else for tomorrow and they are only charging me like $40 for the exam and since I already have to pay for the glasses, I figured it's better than waiting for 3 weeks+ for my glasses.

Also, last week, I got a call from my liver clinic saying they needed to talk about my white blood cell count. The medicine I am on for my liver can cause cancer with long term use, so they always keep track of my WBC levels. I called them right back but none of the nurses could come to the phone and then nobody called me back and I spent all night freaked out because they had said the words 'white blood cell count'. It all turned out okay - my numbers are down, not up, and that basically means my immune system is a little more depleted than usual, I guess. I told the head nurse, straight up, that getting a message regarding my WBC count with no information scared the shit out of me and she was very apologetic. But, yeah, scary as hell to get that message.

And 'thank you' to everyone who reblogged my charity post! It's appreciated, guys! I’m gonna end it there, since I art-ed for 4 ½ hours today and I am exhausted now! Night all!

batman - can i ask you something, the nephew, sick n tired, writing blahblahblahing, birthdays, fan-kids, friends 4evah, sleep now, family circus, art blahblahblahing, i need a sugardaddy, real life, wtfedyfff, douchebags

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