Just The Way You Are.

Apr 18, 2013 16:17

NEW ZEALAND HAS LEGALIZED SAME-SEX MARRIAGE!! Go, New Zealand! You’ll always be my favorite. They now join the ranks of the Netherlands (all the way back in 2001), Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, South Africa, Spain and Sweden.

Here is an article from The Guardian that features an uplifting video of the ( Read more... )

drugs are bad mkay, craig ferguson - blow his mouth organ, emotional waxing, politickin, happy-face, hope is a 4 letter word too

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dodger_sister April 28 2013, 23:48:39 UTC
I can remember what a waste I made of my teens, and weirdly enough, pregnant at 20 probably saved me from a serious problem.

Thank goodness for The Boy for so many reasons then! I think my cousin had that same thing - he was doing cocaine and at about 22 his girl got pregnant and he really cleaned his shit up then. Otherwise, I doubt he'd be here.

And you! You are doing so great yourself you know. *beams*

Thank you. It's weird right now, because I have a friend who has a family member going through the same thing I went through with pain pills and abuse, and in complete denial of it, and every time my friend tells me the latest in the saga it is like watching my own life through a video rewind, or seeing how it was for everyone else on the outside of it. It's very strange. But I'm coming up on 3 years and 4 months soon, so I'm still trudging along!

*hugs* oh bb, I sincerely hope you make it another 23 years and are still cranking out the porn!

LOL I like to joke that I'll be the only little old lady in the nursing home writing filthy porn for the internet!

gods, in 23 years I'll be 60! that seems so old! lol

I can't even think about that! In 23 years I'll actually be 57, but when I counted out the years for this I was thinking '23 years sober' which since I already have 3 years in will be 54. But yeah, in 2036 (that's what year it'll be in 23 years, holy shit!) I'll be 57 and you'll be 60. What even, bb.


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