Sleepy Time.

Apr 04, 2013 21:30

The Nephew arrived last night for his Spring Break and we got to have dinner with my brother and his family.

Today my cousin asked The Nephew how the new baby was and he said, "Uh, she's uh, uh," and my cousin goes, "She's a baby? She just eats, sleeps and poops her pants?" and The Nephew goes, "Yep, she does." The Niece is holding her head up though and looking around at the world, very interested in everything as long as every once in awhile she can catch a glimpse of Mommy or Daddy.

I had to get up this morning two hours earlier than I am used to though and The Nephew immediately wanted to play. I demanded breakfast first. Then we played video games for awhile - (some Disney adventure where you go through levels of different movies, like Monsters Inc and Pirates and Aladdin, etc) - which was pretty fun and not to hard for my terrible ability to play adventure games. Then I went to take a shower and gave him three options of things to do while I was in there. Not even three minutes in the shower, he is knocking on the door, "Are you done yet?" /shakes head/ Then we played action figures for an hour - (Nightcrawler kept 'poofing' everyone to Pluto, cuz the aliens erupted lava all over Earth, you know). After lunch my cousin mercifully brought his daughter over for a playdate. It helped in the respect that TN didn't need my undivided attention while she was here, but I spent a lot of time breaking up fights. It seems, in true big brother fashion, The Nephew has gotten really bossy! We managed to get a game of Clue in tonight and then watched Superman/Batman: Apocalypse before bed.

And tomorrow I get to do it all over again. Am. So. Tired, you guys.

Actually tomorrow we have awesome plans - we're going to see Jurassic Park in 3D! I called therapy and canceled my appointment and the receptionist was like, "Is everything okay?" and I said, "Oh yes, we just have important business. We have to take my nephew to see Jurassic Park in 3D," and she goes, "Oooooh, that is important business." His parents were worried it'll be too scary for him, but he's excited and if it is too scary, we can always leave. It's not like I haven't seen the movie 213 times. Give or take.

In final Nephew News - the other day he says to me, "Hey, you know what's weird? Like when you go to sleep at night, you just close your eyes and then you open your eyes and it's only been a minute but it's morning! Like, it's the next second but the sun is out! Isn't that crazy? It's so weird."

That's my boy! Now I am off to lay in bed and read on my IPad until I pass out.

the nephew, comfort movies - jurassic impact day, movie blahblahblahing, sleep now, family circus, little girl cousin, x-men are hardcore hottie heroes, that's why they call it a workout, video games are for cool people now, real life, the niece

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