Letters To Some People About Some Important Stuff...

Jul 26, 2010 16:25

Dear baylorsr,

Can we please get a parrot? I still want a ferret, but I concede to your whole "they are rodents" argument.

But look, parrots can do tricks!

Please, please, please?

Love, Dodger

Dear Eric Brady,

Oh sweetie, really? This is what you think porn stars dress like? That is so adorable.

Though I'm quite disappointed in the lack of shirtlessness going on here. In the future, please strip down for the creepy man, (6 minute marker, if you need a refresher on your porn star days), and look directly at the camera, that's how porn star auditions go. Also, if you really love your porn star girlfriend (btw, I applaud you in your choice of dating two women at once, especially since one is a porn star and the other seems to be a virgin, I totally get the irony there), but if you really loved her, you would have gone through with that pornographic screen test, mostly for my amusement.

Oh well, despite the lack of nudity and your ridiculous backwards baseball hat, I still love you and want to lick your pretty face. Our love was real - sorry to inform you though, I have moved on to a man named Dean. He's way sexier than you, and has a better car. But his family drama totally rivals yours and I'm pretty sure he's cheating on me with this dude in a trenchcoat. Though, I could be into that.

Always with love, Dodger

Dear Ben Affleck,

You are such a goober. I love you. That has nothing to do with anything, I just like to remind you.

This movie looks awesome. You are a fantastic director and I am excited for this to come out, because it looks wicked cool and intense.

Please, tell Don Draper (oh, that's his name, shut up.) that he is a sexy-pants.

Please tell Jeremy Renner to come over later and make-out with me. K? Thanx.

Please tell Jen and Jimmy I say 'hi!'.

Kisses, Dodger

Dear Misha Collins,

Why so in love with Jared? Oh, right, cuz he's Jared! Why did you two go and break Jensen's heart? Or, is it some sort of threesome thing and Jensen just isn't a fan of PDAs?

That's totally it, isn't it?

How does it feel when Jared's giant hand lands on your shoulder? All warm and tingly? If I spent a lot of time thinking about Jared's hands, which I totally don't, I would have to guess that they make you feel all warm and tingly.

Too bad you were in front of cameras and couldn't just lean over and give the top of that hand some kisses.

Still waiting for that whole World Domination thing - Salute, Dodger

Dear afra_schatz,

This is James Marsden.

Two more pics

I know of him for three reasons -

1) Hairspray!

2) He is Hugh Jackman's secret boyfriend.

3) My sister is only slightly obsessed - but I love her anyway.

Actually, I know him for some other reasons, but those are my favorite three.

Fist Bump, Dodger

Dear Me,

Go do something productive now.

Back Slap, Dodger

lick that, misha fucking collins, jared+misha=otdorkus, videos - various, you accidently did porn?, eric brady was my imaginary boyfriend, affleckgarnerkimmel4evah, sister oh sister, things i stole, videos - conventions, movie blahblahblahing, jared padalecki has soft hair, tv show blahblahblahing, videos - tv show clips, jimmy marsden is adorkable, youtube is an alien-virus, afflecks are goobers, movie/tv trailers

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