The houseguests have departed now. It was a pretty good weekend, I must say, despite my Awesome Time of Month kicking in on Saturday. I had been feeling it coming for a few days, and then I had a killer headache on Friday, and woke up to cramps on Saturday. Ugh.
It was a great little visit with
hiyacynth. Munchy P will be two in March, so he has reached that age where his whole personality is really coming through. Also, his dad has this whole head of curls and now that Munchy’s hair is getting longer, you can see he has a bunch of curls too. And he wears a lot of skinny jeans and hipster shoes and really, he is just the most adorable thing ever. He also got his Christmas presents -
this kickass Batmobile from me, (I kind of want the Wonder Woman plane for myself), and
this amazeballs Firefly tshirt from The BFF, (it was seriously dangerous for me to go look for that link because I wanted to buy All The Things!).
We went to the mall on Saturday and it was kind of a bust. My sister and I went to Toys R Us to get a Bilbo figure because The Nephew got out my Lord of the Rings stuff over Christmas and he wanted to know where Bilbo was. We decided to pick up a Bilbo and a Thorin but all they had were the minis and not the regular size. Then we walked past the shoe store and I saw a pair of red-n-white sneakers that I really wanted and my sister (every so helpfully) pointed out that they were only $15. I decided to get them but the security gate was down on the store. Idk why because there were people inside shopping, but the gate was shut and there were people milling around outside. We think they may have been over the fire safety capacity but they should have had a sign out saying so because without knowing what was going on, I wasn’t going to wait around. On the one hand, it saved me money that I swore I wouldn’t spend, but on the other hand, I really really wanted those shoes.
Then we hung out with Munchy while
hiyacynth and The BFF went to buy an Iphone. He was just sort of running around in the big open hall area and this little girl who looked like she had just started walking came up to him. So he offers her his snack-cup. Then they just sort of stared at each other for awhile and then he decided he was done with her and started to walk away. She runs up and gives him a hug from behind. Then they just kept randomly hugging each other. Too fucking cute, you guys.
Also, the cats all took very well to the houseguests, even Kirk who hates people he doesn’t know, and Roo & Buddy even came out despite usually being the biggest scaredy-cats ever. Pippin was especially fond of Munchy and followed him around and sat next to him and kept coming to check on him. You know, he really likes babies. He was always so good with The Nephew when he was little and would watch over him while he slept.
We played some Middle-Earth Jeopardy. I did not win - not even a little surprised there - but I did not do as terrible as I expected I would against the two masters. It helped that I nailed the shit out of the category for other characters the actors of Middle-Earth have played. Today we watched some fanvids and the old LotR MTV Movie Award spots and the interview where Dom pretends to be a German journalist, which is still the funniest fucking thing ever. Dom’s a genius.
Now I am ready to sleep and then chill out tomorrow and catch up on some TV. How were your weekends?