Not a happy person right now.

Apr 21, 2007 12:16

I've been getting e-mails from a person that I met through a recovery group here on LiveJournal. I eventually had to block all posts from this person and remove this person from my friends list.

Why you might ask?

Lemme tell you.

When someone is serious about addiction and wants help...yeah, I'll be there. If someone is willing to listen with an open mind and ask for my opinion, yeah I'll give it.

BUT: When certain lines are crossed and that individual does not really want that help and instead chooses to turn things around that have worked for thousands and thousands of other people throughout the world...No. I don't have time for that crap. Twisting the words of other people don't help the fact either.

Yes, I got tired of looking at drunken dialogues and that is my right to remove this person from my friends list. I have that right through this website. I also have the right to screen any and all responses to anything that I choose to write. But to be slammed and accused of being prejudiced? I don't think so. This person has sent me e-mails that have turned my stomach, and unlike this person I will NOT repost them to this site. What was sent to me was for me, no one else. I have the integrity and honor not to repost anything that they chose to send.

Today alone I received not one, not two, but NINE e-mails from this person telling me that everything I believe in through my program is wrong.

Hmmmm....let's do the math here.

Yes, I have a while in this program and it's been through this program of recovery that I have been able to stay sober, healthy, and (for the most part) happy.

I did block this individual from my e-mail. I did block this individual from my LiveJournal.

Again, why?

Because I don't need to see that sort of stuff. I don't want to see it and won't, under any circumstance, allow it. Am I prejudice? No. As a matter of fact I take great offense to being called such.

Prejudice is defined as:
    1. An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.
    2. A preconceived preference or idea.
  1. The act or state of holding unreasonable preconceived judgments or convictions. See Synonyms at predilection.
  2. Irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.
  3. Detriment or injury caused to a person by the preconceived, unfavorable conviction of another or others.
prej·u·diced , prej·u·dic·ing , prej·u·dic·es
  1. To cause (someone) to judge prematurely and irrationally. See Synonyms at bias.
  2. To affect injuriously or detrimentally by a judgment or an act.

I don't believe that I have even come close to anything such as the above. I made a choice to remove a person from a website and e-mail that was sending me information that was based on things that I don't believe in. I have that right.

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