Oct 05, 2006 14:12
So, believe it or not the Rolling Stones played in Missoula last night. I probably don't have to tell anyone that this is the biggest thing to happen in Montana since....Lewis and Clark. Possibly since glaciers and dinosaurs. For real. This just doesn't happen.
So basically the town declared it a holiday - public transport was free, classes were cancelled, stores were closed, etc. The magnificence of the idea of the Rolling Stones wandering around in our little town was just so great that it caused general ecstacy. Pretty much half of our city went to the concert, but here's the really great thing. Since it was outdoors, since Missoula is small, and since we live in a valley surrounded by the rocky mountains, well, you could hear Mick Jagger and the whole crazy thing EVERYWHERE whether you went to the concert or not. You couldn't not hear it. So I can now say I experienced the Rolling Stones live - right in my own yard.