Things that can never happen...

Mar 02, 2017 12:03

Working for a cloud based IoT company I often have discussions with colleagues about reliability. For some services people just expect things to work. Light is very much one of those services. While we have worked around the specific issue mentioned here we do use AWS. We also have many other layers of abstraction between the light or switch in your premises and the cloud almost all of which depend on someone providing an always on service.

How did an Amazon glitch leave people literally in the dark?

I've had too many devices fail or fail to operate reliably to really be interested in putting them in places where they can impact the basic services I rely on. IoT is very much something to play with at work but I don't have any plans to start tearing out light switches or my insanely reliable central heating controller. Yes it means I can't control my boiler during my commute but so far I haven't actually seen any need to and no one has made a convincing (data please) argument on how I can save enough to pay for any of this stuff.

iot reliability work

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