The big list of medical things I want to do...

Feb 05, 2010 22:47

....Because I need to remind myself why I'm going to get up at 8am on a saturday and work all day when I have zero energy and even less motivation.

(from the mundane to the ridiculous)

1) Cut someone open on my own for the first time.

2) Get a thank you card from a patient.

3) Publish something in a decent journal.

4) Go abroad on a project or to a disaster zone for someone like Medsin Sans Frontier

5) Be a team doc for something like Race to Dakar, or an everest expedition.

6) Make a diagnosis quickly and be sure that I'm right.

7) Do a night shift and keep it together when doing ward cover.

8) Stitch someone up neatly.

9) Be an orthopaedic surgeon.

10) Pass my FRCS Orth.

11) Save someones life. Either from a crash call or just from someone MEWS'ing five when I'm the only doc on the ward.

12) Pass my finals and be able to get that first bank card with 'Dr' on it.

13) Look at a set of blood results and be able to see the big picture and what the numbers mean.
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