The State of the Emily - AKA giant update of Doom!

Dec 30, 2009 00:17

So... it has been months since I updated so I feel I should catch everyone up. I do plan on trying to be better at updating in the new year so I shall try and start now.

Medical School:
Its... going. Its been a bit endless and filled with portfolios (case studies) over the past eight weeks. But I got through it and got some very good feedback at the end of it ('one of the best medical students I've ever taught...'). I have my Orthopaedics and anaesthetics block next which I'm very excited about as I'm really keen on ortho so hopefully that will go well.

I'm hoping to apply for a specialist foundation job: its an academic orthopaedic job which I don't think I have a hope for but I figure I might as well apply, as you never know.

Speaking of which I'm less than 18 months from graduation and less than a year from job applications now. And less than six months from applications if I go for the academic job. Scary biscuits!

Due to all this I have exams at the end of this 'block'* which I really need to start doing some work for as we're ranked on these exams and they're what go on our applications.

Straight after our exams in the first week of march we get to go off on our elective which is a seven week period of elective study... anywhere in the world. Myself and two friends are heading off to thailand, spending just under three weeks in Bangkok where I'll be doing orthopaedics and then two weeks in Chaing Mai where I'll also be doing orthopaedics... and then we have two weeks off to (hopefully) laze about on a beach drinking cocktails. I'm excited, and also terrified as I've never travelled somewhere so... foreign. I know that sounds silly but its going to be very different to Australia!

So... I joined a choir! Sounds a bit mad but after the Revue a lot of the people I got on well with were in it and I thought it would help with my confidence. And its actually been great! Some of the songs are hard but I've enjoyed learning them, plus after every practice we went to the pub! Winner! We've done two concerts: one was us and the 'Big Band'**, we were expecting about 20 people (we were thinking if the audience outweighed the choir we'd have done well) but we ended up with well over 100! It was awesome! Scary... but good. And it really has helped my confidence! We also did a carol concert the week before christmas and that was really good as well. We've also been carol singing around the hospital which was fun. We made some patients cry... hopefully in a good way!

Has been really good, really quiet though... involved a lot of food and wine, and beer.... but it was exactly what I needed! I also acquired a coffee machine, a food processor and a new bag for work. Awesome! New year will be spent in Brighton before coming back home for two days before heading back to Leam to hit the new term hard.

Fandom of all varieties:
I've been very out of fandom of late, I think its a side effect of the combo of uni and choir and the associated social life! I have quite gotten into Reboot Star Trek and very recently: Glee. Which I think will be a new addiction. I've been following the cricket but nothing more than vaguely knowing whats going on... I think its not having sky sports!

Still riding for L though not managed much of late due to being too busy, thankfully its a quiet time for her, hopefully will have more time after christmas as she picks with the fittening for the season. She has a lovely new horse who is great fun to ride; Tenko... shes awesome!

I'm also B team Captain for the Uni riding club which is great, especially as we absolutely cleaned up at our first away competition: Won overall and took 1st, 2nd and 3rd individually! I was second, beated by one of my teammates by one mark (but I beat her on collectives so I get to feel smug about that!).

...ok I think thats about it! How are all of you? I have been keeping up with my flist broadly speaking but I haven't been doing much commenting so.... fill me in! :D

*We work in eight week blocks rotating around
** Warwick Med School band... they're really good.
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