Last week: We have fought the good fight and involved three different vets in two different towns. We had a small army of willing helpers who were with Hazel's Whirlwind, who walked her, fed her water, stayed with her around the clock, since Saturday morning. The pony lasted for days longer than any non-recovering colic I have ever heard of.
Then Whirlwind had rallied and we thought we were going to do OK, and she was going to pull through. We had gut sounds on both sides and she seemed perky. Hazel and I had been camping in our friend's barn with her, and Hazel was with Whirlwind all day that Monday.
But Whirlwind had a very bad night that last night. She bloated and was in terrible pain. The vet said that the blockage that caused the initial colic must be complete, now. he put her down at 1PM.
We sent Hazel to school. She doesn't know. I had Whirlwind buried before she got home.
Hazel loves this damn pony so much. I'm jus
t ... Words cannot express.