Always & Forever [Melinda/Olivia Ficlet]

Feb 17, 2008 22:14

Here's my ficlet of Melinda & Olivia post-Signature

Author: LegaspiWeaver AKA: Erin

Title : Always & Forever

Pairing: Melinda Warner & Olivia Benson

Fandom: Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Spoilers: 9-12 Signature

Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters they belong to the Dick Wolf & NBC. I only own the story

Summary: After Melinda comforts Olivia when FBI agent Lauren Cooper kills herself, Olivia goes to see Melinda to talk…

Author’s Note: This story will contain fem-slash so if you don’t like that type of thing don’t read.

Thanks to my beta Abbylewis for looking this over and saying it was quote “Prefect”

[This Story does contain a bit of femslash sex...I'm just giving you guys a warning]

After Melinda leaves Olivia. Olivia slowly gets up and walks out of the room without looking back. Olivia’s nerves are shot and she’s got a million things running through her head. She continues walking until she finds herself in the morgue she doesn’t even have any clue of how she got there. She goes to Melinda’s door, but stops in front of it. She isn’t sure whether Melinda’s there or not she wants to be there, but she figures she should at least talk with her to let her know she’s all right.

She continues to stare at the door finally getting up enough courage to knock.

“Come in” she hears from the other side of the door. “So she is there, maybe I should just leave” she says to herself. Instead turns the door knob slowly and opens the door to Melinda’s office. She’s reading a file that’s she’s got under all of the papers that are there too. She looked up from her file she’s a bit concerned at Olivia’s appearance, but wasn’t at all surprised she had been through something horrible.

“Olivia…sit down” Melinda gestured toward the chair.

Olivia sat down in the chair. Melinda looks at her with concerned eyes,

Melinda finally spoke. “Hey, are you okay”?

Of course Melinda thought to herself stupid question of course she’s not okay.

Olivia shook her head No

“Do you want to talk about it”?

“I don’t know Melinda”

“Well whenever you’re ready just let me know I’m here when you need me”

“I know”

Melinda nodded her head in agreement.

“Olivia, it’s not your fault”

“Yes it is…I …I should have known that something was wrong with her I mean she knew too much”

“I know” Melinda whispers.

“It’s not your fault, Olivia you didn’t know what she was planning on doing”

“I should’ve known Melinda I mean I feel like my cop sense is gone” Olivia suggested, looking at Melinda with seriousness.

“Olivia, this tragedy isn’t your fault you have to stop beating yourself up over it”

“I know Melinda, I know it’s just I can’t help, but feel responsible for what happened”

“I understand that, but you’ve got to let it go and move on”

Olivia sighs heavily and smiles.

“I’m sorry I’m bringing you down”

“You’re not” Melinda points out.

“Really”? Olivia asks surprised.

“Really” Melinda says agreeing.

“Well in that case what do you say we go upstairs and make up?”

Olivia raised an eyebrow.


The Next Morning: 7am

Olivia slowly opens her eyes and looks around as she feels a warm body next to her. She smiles to herself as she watches Melinda sleep. She’s careful not to wake her up. When Olivia suddenly feels a hand stopping her.

“Hey, where are you going”?

“I was going to make something to eat, but I can wait”

“Can you”?

“Yeah anything for you”

Melinda chuckled.

“So did you sleep okay”?

“Don’t I always next to you”?

“I guess you do”

Olivia makes her move and gently kisses Melinda on the lips. Melinda responds back passionately Deeping their kiss and they end making love once again.

“I love it when we make love”

“mm, me too it’s feel just like it was when we first started”


“So…you want to get up and get some breakfast”?

“Do we have to I don’t want to get up with you in here”

“Very funny we really do have to get up so we won’t be late to work”

Melinda groans.

“Okay let’s get up I have to take a quick shower though”

Olivia gets up and puts her hands around Melinda waist which stops her from moving.

“Mmm what are you doing”?

“I want a kiss”

“Oh…well we can do that, but don’t get any ideas”

“I always get ideas with you” Flirtiously

Olivia moves to Melinda’s lips for a kiss, but this is one of their frequently passionate kisses and Olivia loves them.

Olivia stops the kiss before they can get into anything again.

“We don’t want to get passionate again and be late for work now do we”?

“No sorry I just know you love those type of kisses”

“It’s okay”

“Well I’m going to take a shower…Are you going to join me”?

“Is that an invition”?

“Why yes it is, Detective”?

“Well I’ll take it”

“I figured you’d say that, but just remember nothing passionate”

“Oh I can’t make any promises with you doctor”

“Well can you try your best detective”?

“Why not anything for you doctor”

“Thank you”

“Your welcome”

“Melinda…I love you”

“I know I love you too” They kiss again.

“I’m glad we took our time with this”

“Me too”

“Enough with the sappy stuff let’s take a shower” Melinda quips

“You got it”

They walk into the bathroom they remove their clothes. Melinda turns on the water making sure it’s not too hot or too cold she steps into the tub Olivia follows next.

They both wash each other’s hair and bodies. Melinda caresses Olivia’s cheek with her finger and moves towards her lips. She puts her lips to Olivia’s neck gently nibbling and kissing, moving up her body to her lips.

“Melinda…We shouldn’t start something we can’t stop”

“I know…do you want me to stop”?


“That’s what I thought”

Melinda continues to passionately kiss Olivia’s stomach, then moves to her body. She slips a finger inside Olivia. She moans softly…

“I want this to be all about you baby”

Olivia moans again as Melinda puts another finger instead her.

“Oh…Melinda, oh god that feels so good”

Olivia rocks with Melinda touch inside her.

Melinda pulls her fingers out and kisses Olivia.

Melinda smiles at her. “How was that”?

“Well…it was wonderful as usual.

Olivia then does the same thing to Melinda gently nibbling and kissing her neck, lips and finally her body. She puts one finger then two fingers inside Melinda moans with every thrust against Olivia’s fingers.

She pulls her gently out of Melinda, then kisses her on the lips once again.

“That was amazing”

“Yeah” Melinda agrees..

“Well I think we put this on a rain check until we get home”

Melinda sighs contently and nods her head. “A big rain check”

They step out of the shower and get dressed. They walk out of the bathroom ready to go they grab their purses, coats and headed out the door Olivia locking it behind them as they are walking down the hall. Melinda takes Olivia hand and puts into hers Olivia doesn’t let go. They get into the car and head to work. Olivia drops Melinda off at the morgue. “I love you” Melinda says as she gets out. “I love you too, sweetheart always and forever” Olivia smiles as she watches Melinda walk into the building. “Always and forever” Melinda says to herself smiling “I love you always and forever too, Olivia”

-Comments are definitely welcome
-Please let me know if you're going to post this anywhere else

media: one shots, genre: femslash, tv shows: law & order: svu, ships: melivia, characters: melinda warner, media: fanfiction, characters: olivia benson

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