The day is nigh...

Oct 09, 2008 00:29

... the day when I won't even be able to cut my own toenails. :D

The 2nd trimester of this pregnancy seems to be progressing much faster. I've been having frequent back and hip pain (it probably doesn't help that Annika and I take walks that last from 1-2 hours almost daily). Putting on my pants is a challenge, because of the aforementioned hip pain. I have heartburn again, something I only remember getting in my 3rd trimester when I was pregnant with Annika. And boy can bebe #2 move! She can wake me up in the middle of the night with a well-placed kick, something that definitely didn't happen this early in my 1st pregnancy.

It's probably because I'm so busy these days that the only time I get to sit and think about the coming baby is, ironically enough, when I'm sitting in the tub with a noisy Annika in the evenings. She's happy to play by herself, pouring water from one plastic cup to another and chatting with nobody in particular, and I have no other distractions - no work, chores, or the worrying news in the papers. The only thing in my hands, and my thoughts, is my growing belly. Despite all the inconveniences, aches and pains, pregnancy is really the most astonishing miracle that a woman can be a part of.

annika bea & mommy stuff

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