Gah, I'm tired though.
SO is working (from home mind you) but needs me to watch munchkin all night. I love it, he's so fucking awesome it's unbelievable. He's like the happiest little bugger ever. (Except Thursday when he had a cold and was up all night. Eck.)
He laughs, today he was chatty patty. Aroo roo roo. (I think all that time playing on Groob games must have worn off on the DNA.) AH! BA BA!!!
Super fun.
Super tiring.
My Family collectively and individually are really pissing me off >_<. But what can you do.
Work is okay, there and chilling.
I miss everything. When was the last time I was on Garou? I think I haven't been idledested because I'm part of the furniture, dusty, but still there. Elly! What is up witchoo goof?
Some things that made me go hm: Our new budget got released and I firmly think our gov't has it's head right up it's own arse. How did
ladywraith and
comradecharlie hook up to exchange 5th Element tracks? Why am I still up?
Don't know the last one so I'm heading.