Jun 05, 2006 11:03
Actually the Binghamton Morris Men had seven dancers for Saturday, which was good. It rained Saturday, which was not so good. At our second stand at a tag sale it was pouring and we didn't dance at all (Pokingbrook did one jig), though I did pick up a bag of K'nex pieces for 50 cents. We did dance at the third stand, one dance for each team, before retiring to lunch. The nursing home stand was indoors, and by the time evening rolled around it had let up enough for the Falls Village dancing to occur in the street.
The rain did not, however, preclude having a great time.
Sunday morning I stopped in at another tag sale and got a bag of miscellaneous stuff for $2.50, and then found a letterbox near an Appalachian Trail shelter before the rain resumed and I decided to head for home.
morris dancing