Need to get the fuck out of Alaska.

Jun 02, 2008 23:32

These past couple weeks of not smoking and needing some kind of human support from, like, actual friends who're around me and stuff, and realizing I don't actually HAVE any of those has shown me that there's nothing for me here.

I've had to cut Andrea out of my life because I knew she wouldn't give me that kind of support from the beginning, but hoped I could still visit her kids that I love like they're my own, because that's the only place I knew I could get the kind of warming-the-heart friendship I need at this point. She decided to tell me I was creepy and then did her usual thing of getting all indignant that I would dare to have a reaction to that. So I'm done bothering her.

So, yeah, I need to escape back to Seattle. I've got a doctor's appointment on Wednesday, will ask how soon it would be possible to get this surgery done, then I'm done with this place and all the fucking assholes in it.
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