Comic-Con: Thursday

Jul 28, 2010 19:49

Wellllll, I never mentioned it here that I am going went to SDCC, BUT UH, BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, RIGHT? RIGHT? *hides*

Apologies in advance for all the posts I'm going to be making about this, but I have got a buttload of pictures to share.

On Thursday morning, sleepy_kaze , isthisdestiny , and I got in line for Hall H at about 8:30 or so, made it inside around 10, and sat through Megamind, Tron (frickin awesome), SALT, and Battle: LA (we didn't know anything about this movie, but the trailer looks awesome. Most of my pictures didn't come out very well, except for this one of Aaron Eckhart.

See? AARON ECKHART. Was not expecting to see him. Or Michelle Rodriguez, who was pretty cool irl. The best thing I can recall her saying is how, in the future, she would like more roles as a powerful female that isn't necessarily butch, but that at this point in her life, she's in a butch mood. Or something.

But we moved forward between each panel, as people left, so by the time RED came around, we were tenth row. And then our panties exploded. So yeah, I have semi-decent pictures of Karl. :D

First, this was amusing. Karl and Bruce got their seats mixed up.

Okay now on to the Karl. 8D

After RED, we stuck around for the JJ Abrams and Joss Whedon panel, which was fantastic. If you have time to watch a video of the panel, make sure to do so. I didn't get too many pictures, but here's what I've got.

Some of my favourite moments that I can recall from this panel:

Q: Would you suggest that I go to film school or just try to go my own way?
JJ: Go your own way.
Joss: Go to film school.
*everybody laughs*
JJ: No but really, the advice my father gave me when I went off to school was this: Go to school not to learn how to make movies but to learn what to make movies about.
Joss: Where did you get that father??! All my dad told me was "Do something else."

Joss: Lately I've actually been having panic attacks because I love Star Trek *so much.* I can't stop watching it!
JJ: *puts his head in his hands in embarrassment*
Joss: *keeps rambling on about how much he loves the new ST movie*
JJ: Do we really have to talk about this here?

JJ: You don't write second drafts?
Joss: No...?
JJ: You bastard! That's it, I give up. *gets up to leave*

Yes, Thursday was a good day, and it was probably the least overwhelming/hectic of all the days (OH GOD, BALLROOM 20 ON FRIDAY), and... I'm still having difficulty with the fact that this all really happened. Really? REALLY??! Okay, I'll try to make a couple more posts throughout the week with the rest of my photos and video. Coming soon: LOTS OF SHIT

emily's brain explodes from the awesome, oh my god is this real, sdcc, joss whedon, jj abrams, karl urban

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