Doctor and Martha round, this round is a little more complicated as you have to enter two icons:
- One must be from the images found
H E R E- One must be black and white (must have at least 80% black and white)
- Need to enter two icons (you can make one icon to statify both criteria and get free choice on the second if you so wish)
[-] You must have made it through the previous round (or had an exemption from the mods) to participate in this round (previous iconners are welcome to vote).
[-] Must be the Doctor & Martha (even if it is a glimpse of her hair - she needs to be in it)
[-] Manips of Doctor & Martha ARE allowed
[-] Icons must be new icons made especially for this challenge
[-] You must use one of the screencaps provided for any still icon for this challenge. Brushes, textures, gradients, and stock images are allowed for this challenge. You can blend the images (and use high resolution versions if you have them)
[-] No animation this round
[-] Icons must fit LJ's requirements: 40KB and 100x100 pixels. Icons that are larger will not be included, and you will be asked to resubmit.
[-] Entries are to be posted here in a comment, and they must include both the image and the url, for example:[-] All entries are screened.
[-] Do not post your icons anywhere until the challenge is over - otherwise the entry will not count.
Good luck and happy iconning, your entries are due 4PM BST (British Summer Time), Sunday 15th (
Timezone Converter) or until all 5 entrants get their icons in.