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nostalgia_lj July 9 2012, 16:02:07 UTC
It seems really messed up that he'd do that. Maybe he didn't mean it and just wanted an excuse to be shot of his son "clone" because what kind of dick would unload a mass-murderer onto an innocent young woman? No, Doctor, it is not Rose's job to fix people for you!

I pessimistically think they're a bit doomed anyway, especially if he takes after his mum Donna in actually talking about his feelings on occasion. Or his past. She don't wanna know, Handy! She thinks she does but she don't!


viomisehunt July 9 2012, 16:59:12 UTC


kilodalton July 9 2012, 21:14:25 UTC
You know me and TPTB, so I think they eventually ended up blissful, but I'd be lying if I said that the potential to be doomed (and the resulting angst) wasn't a big part about what makes them such a fascinating pairing to me. They have a long road ahead of them to be happy.


nostalgia_lj July 9 2012, 21:19:47 UTC
The whole thing doesn't seem that thought through to me. I mean, Rose was always about the Doctor, not "some guy who is more or less him but is also half Donna." The assumption being made that she wants him to be humanyer is probably right, but I think she'd put up more of a fight about it when it actually happened.


kilodalton July 10 2012, 02:36:35 UTC
Agreed. I think this is a big problem. I can handwave it a bit based on the commentaries, but you are spot on.

Re half Donna - I wish we had more canon on how much Donna was in there. Sure, there's that scene played for laughs with the "Oi spaceman/oi earthgirl" stuff - but then we fast forward to the Crucible where he's basically Ten, and then to Bad Wolf Bay, where the only visible Donna-ness in him (imo) is his empathy for Rose (which exceeds that which Ten, Donna and even Jackie show her in that scene, imo). So which is more 'real'? Or are they both? I wish canon clarified that better.


nostalgia_lj July 10 2012, 02:52:17 UTC
We shouldn't need commentaries to tell us WTF was going on :( (I am looking at you, Ghost Light...)

I feel like Donna's personality was basically shunted aside by the plot so that we wouldn't be sat there going "Wait, is Donna in love with Rose?" At the very least she's made him human-relationshippy enough to say he loves people when they're right there in front of him. And I like to think enough that he'll be fine settling down, since anything else is doooooom.


radiantbaby July 13 2012, 11:05:25 UTC
I thought she'd put up more of a fight, too. I mean, I think she realized what was happening and that she was losing the Doctor, but it was too late (maybe she was in shock? I mean, I don't like Rose much, but it was all thrust on her pretty fast and definitely a dick move on Ten's part, so I feel a bit sorry for her there). I mean, she essentially turns from Handy and runs toward the TARDIS as it is leaving. That feels like a rejection of Handy to me. I think the whole he-looks-like-the-Doctor-but-actually-isn't was starting to dawn on her already. But, again, too late.


nostalgia_lj July 13 2012, 14:04:27 UTC
Didn't Rusty say something about not being happy with that bit? Cos it does seem a bit... well, she'd never leave the Doctor. THat was like her sole motivation by that point. Getting rid of her by giving her a copyish is quite extreme really, but then I'm not the one who brought back The Companion Who Would Never Leave like Jamie.


radiantbaby July 14 2012, 05:43:28 UTC
Maybe? I know that Piper thought it was a bit OOC (or she said something to that effect in the Confidential or somewhere).



nostalgia_lj July 14 2012, 19:19:26 UTC
It does make Rose look kind of shallow, that she's happy as long as she has something that looks like Ten :(


kilodalton July 14 2012, 19:26:14 UTC
Tbf, I think many people would fit this criteria XD


nostalgia_lj July 14 2012, 19:29:49 UTC


radiantbaby July 14 2012, 21:41:14 UTC
Yeah, kinda makes you wonder if the regeneration hadn't been stopped and, say, the Doctor had regenerated into an old man, would she have still wanted him?

It almost feels that way when you consider how horribly she reacts to the botched regeneration as it is happening. I mean, of all the people in the room, she's the one that has actually witnessed it before and she's yelling NOOOO, YOU CAN'T! I'VE COME TOO FARRRR! or something,when you'd think she'd be reassuring Donna and Jack that everything was going to be all right. That had to break the Doctor's heart a bit. :(


nostalgia_lj July 14 2012, 22:02:19 UTC


radiantbaby July 13 2012, 10:52:11 UTC
(Just as an aside, it always makes me happy when people take into account that Handy is not in fact 100% Ten, but also has bits of Donna in him as well. Which sounds a bit naughty when said like that. )


nostalgia_lj July 13 2012, 13:58:29 UTC
People *want* him to be Exactly The Doctor but Donna isn't chopped liver.


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