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She was brave and bold as a Kang should be nostalgia_lj June 13 2012, 16:25:15 UTC
I am quite glad she never got sent off to be a Time Lord because that would have been a bit crap. Probably.

I tend to think of her as a bit of a mid-life-crisis thingy, where the Doctor is replacing himself before he either dies or becomes the sort of person who won't put in the effort. (See also: killing everything bad while he can.) I don't know why not Mel, unless I want to go all wanky about Ace being somehow "special" and I don't want to do that. Might well have been that he really did know about her connection to Fenric and thought she'd be a useful pawn to have on his side and then kind of fell for her and started her training proper? I don't know, really.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be kilodalton June 13 2012, 16:34:05 UTC
Yeah idk, if you want to go with the potential for the Time Lord thingy to be true, then maybe he had the capability of more of a deep-seated connection with her? Because of whatever capabilities she would naturally have. Or something. IDK lol.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be nostalgia_lj June 13 2012, 16:35:06 UTC
Because she is SPARKLY like a UNICORN!


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be kilodalton June 13 2012, 16:38:14 UTC
... maybe she's a sparkly vampire like in Twilight!! The Doctor loves those vampires @.@


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be nostalgia_lj June 13 2012, 16:38:51 UTC
That's his faaaaavourite book!


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be viomisehunt June 13 2012, 17:01:52 UTC
Well, it seems to have been the model--or the films for the new Doctor's character--he chooses companions in hopes of getting groove on. Have to be honest, as the only Twilight movie I've sit all the way through is Vampire Sucks.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be viomisehunt June 13 2012, 16:34:34 UTC
Do you mean Doctor rescued Ace as a mid-life crisis thing or allowed her to travel with him as a mid-life crisis? Do you mean--and keep in mind Gallifrey is at war but intact so his real children and family are very much alive--that he was having a crisis about parent hood, or not sharing his skills?, or maybe he thought he missed his vocation as a teacher.

Actually in the canon that he made the recommendation, he made the recommendation, but she left and became Time Viglante. In some canon she dies in the Time War.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be nostalgia_lj June 13 2012, 16:36:06 UTC
I think he was worried what the universe would do without him and wanted a replacement for himself, hence Ace. He'd probably have travelled with her anyway though, I mean it's not like the Doctor is picky about his human womens.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be viomisehunt June 13 2012, 16:56:53 UTC
Motivation sounds off. Gallifrey was still in the Heavens, Romana was president of Gallifrey so his best girl was still alive and actually what we saw--a kindly Avuncular dude with a bright, slighly nerdy niece/student--was exactly what we got. I love how Sophie laughed at the notion that there was anything remotely romantic about the relationship. Different show--different breed of writers. I think we got Ace because the reaction to Six was negative. Should have waited for this generation and choose a sexier actor to have Six's agnst and drama.
I like this look at Ace:


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be kilodalton June 13 2012, 16:37:14 UTC
I always find it depressing when companions can be assumed to die in the Time War. Like Leela. POOR LEELA! D=

Granted it was a smidge on the adorably hokey side, but that's why I kind of like SJA:Death of the Doctor as my canon, when they talk about "that Dorothy something - she runs that charity, 'A Charitable Earth' ("ACE"). She's raised billions."

Though I'm less sure on the immortal!Barbara and immortal!Ian thingy.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be nostalgia_lj June 13 2012, 16:40:15 UTC
I find that Ace fans aren't that keen on the A.C.E. thing, I think because a desk job doesn't seem at all like Ace. That's why I like to think it's a front for Blowing Stuff Up For A Good Cause.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be lycoris June 13 2012, 16:58:35 UTC
I never like to think of it as a desk job - I like to think that she owns the charity and then stalks around doing all the active bits and travelling. And yes, sometimes Blowing Stuff Up. Because what charity doesn't need to explode things from time to time? ;)


Blowing Stuff Up For A Good Cause lyricwrites June 13 2012, 18:01:09 UTC
I've come to realize that quite a lot of people have that as their headcanon, yes. Add me to the list; I think she fights the bad aliens, helps the good ones, and protects Earth, with plenty of lovely property damage along the way.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be radiantbaby June 14 2012, 11:17:16 UTC
Yeah, like I've said before Sophie said at a con I was at that she hates the A.C.E. thing too (when she heard about the reference, she said she was like 'wha--?') and, IIRC, she also thinks its a front for more badass stuff instead. I'm going with her. :)


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be viomisehunt June 13 2012, 16:59:04 UTC
It was assumed because I think one of the Virgin novels or spin off actually wrote that it happen. Liz dies on the moon in one. I prefer the SJA version as well to death. I always write her as Time's Viglante.


Re: She was brave and bold as a Kang should be viomisehunt June 13 2012, 17:12:47 UTC
I never heard the one about Leela dying--her husband might have. I heard the one about Romana --I think--trying to save Leela's life so she can raise her baby, but instead she has this life where she ages quickly outside of suspension. I'm never going to catch up with all the radio playes and novels....


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