Title: Adventures of Joanne Martins & the Doctor
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: T (PG-13)
Pairings: 10/OC, 10/Martha, 10/Rose, Jack/OC
Disclaimer: Don't own the fandom, only my imagination
Summary: Joanne Martins, an aspiring journalist, finds out about an earthquake that should never have happened. Joining a man called the Doctor, she realizes that there is so much to see, and so much to die for
Spoilers: Spoilers all through season 1-4 of the modern series!
"You've heard about the earthquake?"
She shook her head. Though, earthquakes seemed to happen every day, so she wasn't surprised there was a new one.
"Where was it this time?" she asked and looked at Cordelia.
"Southern Sweden", Cordelia answered, handing her some papers. She frowned. Sweden? That was not possible; it wasn't even near a zone where earthquakes occurred. Remember to review! :D