Looking for a few more panelists for the costume track at Wholanta!

Apr 23, 2019 15:06

PS Note the updates!

Hi list members!

We're looking for panelists for the costuming track for Wholanta 2019. Please PM ME with any panels that you would like to be on. 2-3 requests tops, please. 1st come, 1st served. No guarantees that anyone will be a panelist. If you have never been a panelist at Tinegate/Wholanta, we have a brief form that needs to be filled out before consideration as a panelist.


Here are the panels that still need panelists!


New Who Cosplay: The Doctors
7 PM

(1 panelist needed--New Who Doctor in costume.)

Cosplay Is Not Consent
8 pm

(3 panelists needed.)


Cosplaying as a Person of Color
10 AM

(1 panelist needed)

Props and More
12 noon

(1 propmaker needed)

Wigs 101
1 pm

(2 wig wearers needed)

Comfort and Costuming/Cosplay
2 pm

(2 panelists needed)

New Who Cosplay: The Guest Stars
4 pm

(3 panelists needed)


New Who Cosplay: The Companions
11 am

(1 panelist in costume as a New Who companion)

Cosplay Is For Everyone
12 Noon

(1 panelist needed)

Classic Who Costuming: The Guest Stars
2 pm

(1 panelist in costume)

clothes and cosplay, tegan, events and gatherings

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