Wholanta 2017 Costume track info and panellists needs

Mar 13, 2017 16:20

Hi folks!

It's Kim, director of Wholanta's Wardrobe Portal aka the costume track. If you are definitely attending Wholanta (the former TimeGate), May 5-7 (note the date change; the con is no longer over Memorial Day weekend), and are a costumer/cosplayer, I have some panellists openings available. You can reply on the list, or email me off-list. I need only firm commitments before March 31st. The sooner you request a panel, the better chance you have of being on it. :)

Here is a list of the panels (please note that not every panel needs panellists):


8 PM

New Who Cosplay, Part One

Our New Who Cosplayers discuss costuming in the new era of Doctor Who (2005-)

[need 4-5 panellists--if you can't be on this panel, please note that there is another one on Sunday at 4 PM--please sign up for only one!]

9 PM

Doctor Who (and any SF/Fantasy media) Crafts

Knitters, crafters, and anyone working in traditional artistic mediums in any area of SF and fantasy, but especially connected w/ Doctor Who and British media, are welcome to bring completed works and works-in-progress for show 'n' tell.

[No panellists needed, just crafters to bring their work.]


10 AM

Classic Who Costuming

Our Classic Who costumers share the fun of costuming in the Classic Who era (1963-1989, and including the 8th Doctor)

[4-5 panellists needed.]

11 AM

The Companions' Closet: The Tyler Family

We'll share tips for cosplaying as Rose Tyler, her mum, Jackie, her (almost) dad, Pete, and even Mickey Smith.

[Looking for 2 Roses, and at least 1 Jackie, 1 Pete, and 1 Mickey.]

3 PM

Costumes Inspired by the Who'verse

From Dalek dresses in a Victorian style to steampunk 8th Doctors and beyond, our panellists discourse on the wonderful directions creativity can take when reimaging the Who'verse in costume.

[Need around 4 panellists.]

7 PM

The Masquerade (listed here for informational purposes only)


10 AM

The Doctor's Wardrobe: The Sixth Doctor/The Companion's Closet: Peri Brown

Learn how to costume as the most colourful Doctor so far and his equally colourful companion.

[Need 1 more Sixth Doctor at least, and a couple of Peris.]

11 AM

The Propmakers

See what recent projects our prop makers are working on.

[Looking for those who make props; the Doctor Who 'verse is preferred, then any British media, and last but not least, any SF and fantasy media. 4 panellists needed.]

12 Noon

An Interview with Angela Pritchet

We sit down to talk with Angela Pritchett about her costuming, films, cooking and makeup arts.

[No panellists needed, but attendees are appreciated!]

3 PM

Big Finish Costuming

How to cosplay as a Big Finish audio character.

[At least 3 panellists needed.]

4 PM

New Who Cosplay, Part Two

Our New Who Cosplayers continue to discuss costuming in the new era of Doctor Who (2005-)

[need 4-5 panellists--if you can't be on this panel, please note that there is another one on Friday at 8 PM--please sign up for only one!]

My rules for panellists are rather simple:

1. Please show up on time!

2. The panels end 10 minutes before the hour. If audience members want to talk to you, please walk with them out to the hall. Please do remember that we need to clear the room for the next panel!

3. Always be polite; if you feel like there's an issue with an audience member or another panellist, please let the moderator know ASAP.

4. Do show up in costume that's appropriate for the panel in question, if possible. Or bring a cosplay for a quick show 'n' tell.

5. Panellists are expected to address questions from the attendees.

If you've never been on a panel before, and would like to start with just one panel, that's great!

Once again, panel sign-ups need to be in before March 31st!

Thanks in advance,

clothes and cosplay, events and gatherings, crafts

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