Wholanta 2017 Costume track questions and info

Feb 25, 2017 14:52

Wholanta, formerly known as Timegate, is the Doctor Who'verse and British media con in Atlanta, GA, USA, May 5-7, 2017. Please note the date change, as Timegate used to take over Memorial Day weekend. For more info, see https://wholanta.com/ .

Just to let everyone know, as director of the costume track, I'm still working on the schedule, and will be putting out a regular call for panellists ASAP.

However, I have two panels that I need to find panellists for right away.

First off is the Sixth Doctor panel. We have Colin Baker attending, so I feel sure that some Six fans will be present, and in costume. So I need a couple of Sixth Doctor costumers!

Secondly on tap is the Tyler family panel. This is in honour of Camille Coduri aka Jackie Tyler, Rose's mum, one of the con's new actor guests. I'm looking for at least one Jackie, a couple of Roses, and if there's a Pete Tyler and a Mickey Smith, I'll be happy to have one each. :)

If you're attending Wholanta and would like to be on either of these panels, please reply or PM right away. :) Schedules need to be firmed up by March 1st on my end, so that's why I'm sending out this early request. :) Thanks in advance!

mickey, rose, colin baker, noel clarke, clothes and cosplay, the tyler family, guest actors

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