I've realised I've not posted here about the new issue of Tides of Time, the magazine of the Oxford University Doctor Who Society - though mainly in this case written by alumni and non-Oxford people.
This thirty-two-page issue can be downloaded from
here as a PDF. Please take a look!
Contents this issue:
- Editorial. Daniel Alford looks back over the past two and a half years, and forward to the future
- Marco Polo - Fifty Years On. Episode 1 - Dramatis Personae. Katrin Thier looks back at this Hartnell serial
- The Arcs in Space. John Salway reviews the story arcs of the Russell T Davies era
- Cryptic Crossword. A fiendish quiz by Alex Middleton
- Academic ‘Doctor Who Studies’ and 101 Things You Can Do With An Undergraduate Degree. Andrew O’Day looks at how Doctor Who has interacted with academia
- The Empty Children and the Doctor’s War. Why the Universe Didn’t End when the Doctor Danced. Matthew Kilburn looks at the Ninth Doctor’s visit to Britain in the Second World War.