Doctor Who - Is the Doctor a Trickster?

May 07, 2015 20:41

I just watched a hilarious "TED Talks" video where part of the talk was about the attributes of a Trickster.

And I realized that they could be talking about the Doctor. Now, I always knew the Doctor was a trickster figure, like Coyote in Native American mythology, or the Greek hero who stole fire from the gods.

But by actually listing out the attributes of a Trickster, it made me realize that it is when the Doctor is being a trickster that I love him so much, and when he deviates from those qualities that I don't like it as much.

The video is called - "Emily Levine: A theory of Everything" and the part about the trickster attributes starts at 13:28 (she got it from a book called "Trickster Makes This World" by Lewis Hyde").

So here are the Attributes of a Trickster: ( Read More...)

religion and myth, discussion

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