I started doing a project to work out how many times post-2005 Doctor Who passes the Bechdel Test. I did so by...collecting EVERY INSTANCE of when a pass occurred, in EVERY EPISODE!
Then I starting adding things up. So far, Doctor Who in general has a pass rate of 82%, with most episodes passing. Russell T Davis's era passes more than the Steven Moffat era, but Steven Moffat as a writer has the highest overall pass rate for his episodes (although not by much.)
You can see more over
here! But also (and the real reason for this post) is that there were some conversations where I couldn't decide if they passed or not. So I decided to have some
polls going to see what other people thought. The polls will close on Sunday, so...if you have a strong opinion on any of this...go there to have it heard.
Eventually, there will be an infographic! It'll look like this! But the statistics, as you can see, are subject to change...