Doctor Who news Linkspam

Apr 07, 2014 18:18

My bookmarks folders sure needed some spring cleaning...
  1. Matt and Jenna video interview (at SDCC)
  2. Article about music in Doctor Who throughout the ages
  3. David Tennant interview for NY Times.
  4. Mark Gatiss and David Bradley interview at SDCC about AAiSaT
  5. Steven Moffat interview with Worldscreen
  6. Steven Moffat about Billie/Rose in RT.
  7. John Hurt praises David and Matt in video interview.
  8. Matt doesn't want to see River and Twelve together, from this panel: Wizard World's New Orleans Comic Con.
  9. Scottish charm hits critical mass: panel with Karen Gillan and Sylvester McCoy.
  10. Sylvester McCoy joins cast of Inspector Spacetime movie. Come on, get Karen in it as well, she's a fan! They've hit their Kickstarter goal, still 10 days left.
  11. Cool article about the use of miniatures in The Day of the Doctor.  And more TDotD prop info.
  12. Hey, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is currently on radio. And they've revamped the devilishly hard computer game, which you can access at the link.
  13. Could be of interest: a blog post about how to write time-travel fiction. Haven't read it yet, sorry.
  14. Who else is addicted to the brilliant little game for mobile devices, Doctor Who Legacy? Here's an an insightful article and interview with the developers and a Reddit chat.
  15. Matt Smith to join other celebrities in upcoming football match for charity.
  16. This blog post by the mother of a young, autistic Doctor Who fan who had been worried about the regeneration tells about how they visited S8 filming and Peter Capaldi comforted the little girl, and uploaded a video of it. Here's another video with a better angle. ♥ ♥ ♥
That's one folder done, more to come!

peter capaldi, inspector spacetime, events and gatherings, interviews, john hurt, games, jenna coleman, steven moffat, douglas adams, matt smith, golden nemesis, videos, news, an adventure in space and time, charity, mark gatiss, music, karen gillan, david tennant

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