Things that keep me up at night...

Mar 12, 2014 10:38

Besides my dogs.

The Doctor worked more or less happily along side UNIT for three incarnations. Then for several more they mostly didn't interact at all. Ten comes along and cheesed off Queen Victoria so badly that she forms Torchwood. So what does that mean for UNIT and those other Doctors? Are there now parallel realities where UNIT is hiding the Doctor? Do UNIT and Torchwood have a turf war going? Or like MI5 and MI6 have they divvied up their areas of responsibility?

Is Torchwood an anomaly in time that has to be error corrected back out again? Because if 10 and Rose hadn't been acting like a pair of five year olds it would have never been created in the first place?

I like the idea of parallel realities because causality and time loops and all of that hurt my head, but I do wonder.

PS: Yeah, I know. Torchwood exists because UNIT wasn't shiny enough for RTD and he wanted a new scenario to work from. I'm thinking about the in universe ramifications here.

torchwood, discussion, unit

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